His eyes

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It was raining today. The angry grey clouds hovered above us, threatening us with more rain.Perfect weather to sulk.

I trudge along the footpath and enter the school. I run to catch up with the other cheerleaders squad members. I spot a redhead among them. Scarlette.

She gives me a small smile and, taking hold of my hand, run towards the restrooms.

'Hey. what happened? Classes start in five minutes', I say, puzzled. Scarlett was usually all about punctual. What happened this time?

She takes a deep breath and clench  her small fists. I raise an eyebrow at her.What is happening?

Finally she speaks. 'Josh and I broke up'. 


They were the "it"couple of the school.

'Why did you break up?', I ask , concerned. Because breakup was something I understood.

'He slept with-- with Jade and now he wants to make it official with her. Jade and Thomas broke up a few days back', she says, sniffing.

I stare at her in shock, as the news sink in. No way. Jade strikes again??

She seems to be adamant on ruining both our lives. 

Right when I was about to reply, I hear an unfamiliar voice, yelling something, outside.

I open the restroom door and stumble out to see Allen looking all angry at... Jade.

This just made my day. Even if there is going to be a thunderstorm....I dont mind.

God.This boy.

'I told you!', he was saying,'I'm not interested. Why do you keep bothering me? I come here to study, not to screw girls and ruin my life'.

Okay, the last sentence left me clueless.

Jade looked scared and annoyed.Good.

Then he sighed, and turned towards his right-- towards me.

We locked eyes, and I melted.His eyes were an electric blue, that send a shock to my core. His lips parted slightly as he checked me out, and I shuddered.He was doing strange things to me. Was he aware of it?

He came towards me slowly, and more than half the populace was watching us.

'Wanna get out of here? This school's driving me crazy'.


I nodded and went out.He followed.

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