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Allen POV

Day two of suspension.My good friend Blake sent me school notes so that I'm not left behind at school. Blake and his girlfriend Sydney had visited me earlier this morning to lend some books.

After studying for two hours straight, I stretched and lied down in my bed. Thats when the doorbell rang.

Mom and Alice were home, so it was probably dad. Somebody opened the door and after a few minutes, mom popped her head in my room.

'Hey, sweetie. One of your friends have come to see you', she says, smiling.

Weird. Why were people visiting me? I'm not in my deathbed. Geez, cant people give me a break?

I got up, pulled out a nice white shirt and jeans, and went to the living room , prepared to see my ''visitor''.

I wasnt prepared for the sight in front of me.

Annalie was doubling over laughing, with Alice saying,'Come on, once more!!'.

Mom stood behind them, shaking her head and smiling. When mom spotted me, she said my name.

The second mom said my name, Annalie turned around to look at me.

Its as if the whole world stopped for a second. Just a second, but that was more than enough for me.

Enough to see the emotion that passed through her eyes.

Is it possible..?

I shook my head. Nope. Annalie was the most beautiful girl in Citadel Catholic School. She wouldnt even give me glance, provided how I look.

'Hi', she said softly.

'Hey', I replied, drinking in the sight of her.

She was wearing a cute pink sweater and jeans, her hair open and damp, because of the rain outside.

Her green eyes were more catchy with those dark mascara. She blushed. Shit. She just caught me checking her out.

So damn embarrasing.

Mom and Alice came out of the kitchen, holding a tray of orange juice and cookies.

And that's when I realized.

She was the daughter of a millionaire.

My house is tiny compared to her mansion.

I suddently felt suffocated and squeezed. What would she think about my home?

After drinking the juice and some cookies, Alice went out, mom went upstairs, leaving me alone with Annalie.

She smiled at me. 'So', she starts, 'I understand why you hit Jade on the head, and trust me,I'm so happy, but...', she trailed off.

I laughed. 'Its okay, Annalie. The suspen----'

She interupted me. 'Its Anna. Not Annalie', she says, glaring at me.

I laughed. 'Of course. Anna.Sorry'.

She nodded her head, gulping down the orange juice.

'I like this juice', she says, licking her lips.

'Want some more?', I ask.She shakes her head politely, but I go to the kitchen to grab a juice for her. She follows me to the kitchen.

'No, really. You dont have to pour another bottle of juice', she says, looking around the kitchen.

I ignore her and take two glasses. 'Lets go to my room', I say.

I lead her to my room. We sit on my bed. 'So', I say,'who gave you my address?'

'Sydney', she replies, sipping her juice.

'Please dont take any risks for me in the future, Allen', she says abruptly.

I nod slowly , confused. She sighs. 'I know that you earned a seat in our school after a lot of effort. Your mom told me. So, please, nothing to put your scholarship into risk'.

I stare at her, dumbstruck.She cares for me. 

'By the way', she says, smiling shyly, 'I dont know how, but, thogh I'm good at all subjects, I somehow suck at History. Would, help me?'.

I stare at her blankly.

'Um, you dont have to do it if you dont want to. I'll pay you well too', she says quickly.

I smile at her and nod my head. 'Sure, Annalie. Uh, I mean, Anna'.

She smiles suddenly, leaving me once more at awe as to how beautiful she is.

Thats when I remembered something. 'Listen', I tell her, 'Nadine is coming here after a few days. She wants to see you'.

Anna's smile faded as quickly as it had arrived. She frowned slighly and drank her juice.

Awkward silence.

Did I say something wrong? I just told her that Nadine wanted to see her. Whats wrong in that?

I was about to ask her what the matter was when she got up and placed the half- full glass on my study. 'Drink the full juice', I say softly. She just shakes her head and heads for the living room.

'Are you leaving already?', I ask,confused.

She ignores me. So I walk towards her, pull towards me. She loses balance and falls towards me.

'Whoa', I say, 'easy there'.

We are standing so close, I could feel her heart thudding so loud in her chest. She looked red. 'Leave me', she says, her voice guarded. I release my grip on her instantly.

'What happened?'I ask.

She ignores my question. 'Tell your Nadine that I'm waiting to see her too', she says harshly. With that, she runs out of my room.

Her harsh words still ring in my ears. Nadine didnt do anything. Why does she hate Nadine?


Well, you guys know why!!

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