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Allen POV

Nadine said she would come to school today. I am so jittery that Blake notices it. 'Dude', he says, 'The fuck is your problem? Did you eat anything fishy this morning? Or did you get a girl on your pants, huh?'.

I laugh and shake my head.'No, its just..Nadine is coming here'.

'Whoa', he says, mouth gaping,'that hot brunette you showed me in one of you pictures? Sweet'.

'Yeah, and she's taken', I say, rolling my eyes.

Blake was about to say something when Sydney walked over to Blake and put an arm around his waist. 'Hey guys', she greets us.

'Hey babe', Blake says,'Nadine is coming here today'.

Sydney beams. 'Really?', she asks me. 'Yup', I say, giddy with excitement.

The first bell rings. 'I cant wait to see her', Sydney says, beckoning with her arm to Annalie.

Anna comes and puts an arm over Sydney's shoulder.

'Hey Syd', she says, popping a gum loudly.

'Hey, Anna. We've news', Sydney says

Anna glances at me, then gives Sydney a questioning look.

'Nadine's coming to school today!', Sydney exclaims. Anna looks at me, then at the floor, and shrugs.

Blake puts on a fake hurt look. 'Thats not very lady like of you, Anna. You are supposed to smile',he says.

'Lady like my foot', she mutters.

Suddently, the entire hallway goes empty. And people get quiet only when one thing happens.

I turn around. Near the entrance door stood Nadine, her brown hair open and flying in the wind, her eyes looking around, finally spotting me.

Her eyes lock with mine, and I'm breathless. I hear Blake whistle softly. I see Jade looking at Nadine with a slight frown.

Nadine's face breaks into a smile that takes me upto heaven and brings me back. She runs towards me, her arms open. I too open my arms, and she jumps into it, making me lose balance and go backwards. Fortunately we dont fall down, and she laughs into my chest. Everyone around me are smiling .

Everyone except Anna.

'Is this for real', Nadine whispers.I pull back to see her face. 'It is', I say, smiling.Suddently Sydney pushes me away and stares at Nadine. 'You know, when Allen told me that you were hot, I didnt expect you to be this hot'.I roll my eyes at her.Nadine laughs and winks at me.'You must be Blake', she says softly. Blake beams. 'Thats me,you cute little doughnut'.

'Doughnut?', Anna, Sydney and I say at the same time.

Nadine looks at Anna,puzzled. 'Is this your friend too, Allen?, she asks. I nod. 'This is Anna. I told you about her', I say.

'Oh yes!', she exclaims,'sorry Anna. I didnt realize'.

'Its okay', Anna says and walks away.

We all stare at her going.

'Did I say something wrong?', Nadine asks, concerned.

I pull her tight beside me and shake my head , still wondering what the hell is happening to Anna.


Nadine POV

Citadel Catholic School is huge. Good. And there are so many hot boys here. Very good.

So what if I'm a slut?  Allen doesnt know it. So it wouldnt be a problem if I sleep with the guys of this school.

I call Noah. 'Hey, its me Nadine', I say. But its a girl who replies. 'Umm, who?'.

I sigh. 'Who are you', I ask,'and where is Noah?',

'You mean my boyfriend?', she asks, with an air of pride.

I roll my eyes. Typical Noah. He proposes a girl, have sex with her, then breaks up with her. He told me all about that. 'Have fun with your boyfriend', I say and cut the phone when I see Allen coing towards me.


Hey guys! Please do leave a comment below on what you think about Anna, Allen, Nadine and Noah.

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