Not Okay

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But now she knows.... that the world isnt as sweet as she thought after all. The world was a very very scary place to live in- Annalie Jackson, Make Love to Me

Annalie POV

'Remember when we forced Dave to eat snowballs?', Scar asks, barely able to talk with that tube in her nose.

I try to smile. 'Yes. He tried to vomit it out'.

Scar laughs. 'Funny, how life was so exciting back then, and now its just...unsure, I guess', she says, looking up at the ceiling.

I fight down the urge to cry. 'Dont say that, you'll  be fine'.

'Yeah, well, I've always wanted to be your bridesmaid', she says, 'or your maid of honour. I guess I can never fulfill that wish, huh?'.

Why me?

'Scarlette, you're going to be okay', I assure her. 'How can you be so sure?', she asks, her voice cracking.

'Hey, dont strain too much', I say, glancing nervously at the giant blue machine next to her.

She mutters something inaudible and closes her eyes, her red hair coming out of its messy braid.

I just cant imagine a life without Scarlette, I just cant.

The door opens, and Dave, Blake, Sydney and Allen enters, looking down at a big white  package.

'Guess what we bought for the redhead?', Dave asks, sitting next to her.

'What?', Scar asks, trying to hide her excitement.

'This!', Sydney says, revealing an entire Harry Potter series set.

Yes, Scar has not read any of the Harry Potter books. Shame.

But she always wanted to read them, though. She just didnt have the time.

Scarlette tries to get up, and Allen and Blake helps  her. 'I hope I finish reading all this before I die', she says.

'Shut up', all of us yell, making her jump.

'Geez, chill, guys. Just joking', she mutters, going throught the books.

'Thats not the way to joke, Miss', I glare at her, making her laugh.

There was a moment of silence. 'I will miss you guys', she says softly, a tear falling down to her cheek.

'You are going to be okay. Just, dont have any negative thoughts', Dave says gently.

A few minutes later, Scar's parents enter, and we go out, letting them have their privacy.

Allen and I make my way down the corridor.

'I hope she'll make it', he says. 'I hope so too', I reply, looking at him.

'The doctors are not sure,  but, where there's a will, there's a way', he says, smiling at me.

I lean forward and kiss him. He loops his arms around me and I rake my hands in his hair, the kiss turning wild. Suddently somebody clears his throat loudly. 

We break apart, gasping for air. It was a doctor. 'This is a hospital, kids. No public affections', he says, adjusting his doctors' coat. 'Where else will we make out?', I ask him innocently, and he glares at me. 

'Somewhere in solitude, perhaps', he says.

'Perhaps', I repeat, holding Allens'hand and heading out.


Allen POV

'Perhaps we can have a coffee?', she asks, looking around. I roll my eyes. 'Enough of the ''perhaps'' thing, Anna'.

'Why are you so mad? Perhaps you need a kiss', she asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

'Perhaps I should have thrown you in a pit somewhere', I say.

She sighs. 'Maybe', she says,'hey , that one looks like a coffee shop. Lets go'.

After having coffee, we parted ways. I got home late, and stumbled to my room. I opened the room and gasp.

Alice was making out with a guy. In my bed.

'Alice', I groan, averting my eyes.

'Cant you knock', Alice yells, adjusting her shirt.

'Its my room', I yell back.

'Lets just go to my room', she tells the guy and goes upstairs.  I sigh and flop down on the bed, exhausted.

I hope Scarlette makes it. I mean, nothing can go wrong, can it?

I wake up the next morning feeling oddly happy, as if something exciting is going to happen.

I call Blake. 'How's Scar, bro?', I ask, making my way to the kitchen. 

'She's improving Allen. They removed those horrid tubes off her. She's going to be okay', he says, sounding happy and excited.

Thank God.

'That is great news, Blake. I'll be there in an hour'.

'You dont have to come dude, she's fine. She told me to make sure you dont exert yourself. Go to school today. You missed almost two weeks. Oh, Sydney will be there at school too'.

I hang up and rush to get ready to go to school. Finally, everything's going to be okay.

Sydney and I were sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for the first bell when Sydney's cell rang.

'Hi, babe. Yeah, Allen's here...okay', she says, nodding, and hands the phone to me.

Confused, I take it. 'Hello', Blake sounds weird, not at all like him.

'Blake, is everything fine there?', I ask worriedly, glancing at Sydney, who was biting her nails, looking at me expectantly.

'No, Allen. Take Sydney and come her, quick. Scarlette..she's not waking up'.

Make Love To MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora