Chapter 16

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"Good luck. I want pictures of the little ones when they are older." The midwife said as she pulls me into a hug. It was weird hugging people without that massive bump in the way. We break the embrace and the midwife says a quick goodbye to the boys before we are ready to go. I grab Evan's car seat while Chester gets Elliott's car seat. We head upstairs to the roof with both the boys and we stand and watch as our little boy gets wheeled into a helicopter. We got given the information that Eli might not survive the trip as it was at least an hour and a half trip back to LA, which would be quicker than going by car. Before the boys were put in their car seats. Chester and I say a few words to Eli before he was put in his special crib. We watch as he gets flown away from our reach and into his maybe death trap. I hate the fact that I might not see my baby boy alive again. It hurts me. It tore my heart into little pieces. I grab Evan's car seat and Chester takes Elliott's and we head back to the car. I have Chester help me plug in the car seat as I have NEVER done it before.

I carefully walk to the passenger seat door and get in. I pull the seatbelt across, carefully to make sure I don't tear my stitches from my c-section. While I am doing this Chester is strapping in Elliott's car seat. He moves to the other side of the car and starts up the car.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be?"

"Ok...let's go."

"Just remember that we will need to take a break for feeding breaks."

"Yeah...I know babe."

Then the car starts and we are on the way home, these boys were officially mine and I am taking them home. My heart hurts every second, every minute, every hour for the life of my baby boy. I am trying so hard to focus on what I am doing on my phone but my mind keeps going back to Eli. I take a boomerang off the two car seats in the back and I post it on my Instagram story. A few seconds later I get a lot of notifications and get tagged in photos as people took screenshots and posted it on their own profiles.

I stare at the captions and theories people are coming up with.

I have a feeling that Grace and Chester wouldn't be able to look after three babies so they kept two and sent the third out for adoption.

I really really hope that baby number three made it. I have a bad feeling that baby number three died while Grace was giving birth.

All I hope is that baby number three is still in NICU and they are just bringing babies one and two home.

I take to Instagram and post a photo of the triplets with Chester and I. I write a caption explaining everything.

For all those worried that something might have happened to baby number three. He is doing well and is being transported via a different mode of transport. He will be home soon, Babies one and two are all healthy. I am going to edit the birth vlog soon, thank you for being so patient and I am also going to explain everything in another video. But all three boys are doing well.

Soon more notifications came through and the hashtag #loveforbabyhelbig was soon trending. That is when Elliott started to cry which then caused Evan to cry.

"Right time to pull over." I laughed as Chester pulled the car over to the side of the road and put on his hazard signals. I jump out one side while Chester gets out the other. I grab Evan and Chester grabs Elliott from his car seat. I get back into the car and expose one breast and Evan latches on, I expose the other breast and Elliott latches on and they both feed at the same time. It is going to be so hard to feed all three of them at the same time when Eli is better. However, because he is in NICU and he is being fed baby formula I will probably just stick to that so then Chester can feed Eli while I feed Evan and Elliott.

Soon enough I was done, I burp both of the boys then we put them back into their car seats. Two hours and three feeding sessions later we arrived home with the news that Eli made it safely to the hospital and alive. We carefully bring the boys into the house then settle them into their nursery. We then both crash on the sofa, only t be woken up at least three times during the night.

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