Sakuya x Fem!Reader Part 1

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Requested by: ChasityR162
Summer, its almost here! End of misery, having fun with friends, going on trips...
I sit in class, waiting for the bell to ring, but then realize that class had only just started. I sigh aloud, bored out of my mind. Sakuya, who sits right besides me, waves at me, which caught my attention. He then whispers out, "Summer's coming soon, just a few more days, hang in there!" I give a tired smile and nod.

The bell rings. When the students stand up from their seats and talk aloud, I complain, "Lemme go homee.." Not noticing Sakuya in front of me, he chuckles. "Like I said, a few more days! If you keep complaining, the vampires'll catch you and eat your flesh!" I glance at him, guessing the answer that was going to come from his mouth. "Now, how much about what I said do you think is a lie?" I groan at his horrible joke.

"Y'know, what if there really are vampires?" Sakuya looks at me with full attention. "I really wanna see one, and if I did, I wouldn't be scared.." After saying this, I fist bumb into the air, Sakuya still watching me. "All right! This summer, my goal is to meet a vampire!" Sakuya widens his eyes for a second then closes his eyes with a grin. "I'll help you find one!" I look to him, sparkles showing in my eyes.

"Woah, really?!?! How much do you know about ghosts and vampires and mummies and uh, GOBLINS?! Do you know where to look for them? HAVE YOU MET ONE BEFORE?!?!" I start jumping up and down, about to ask more questions, but Sakuya covers my mouth with his hand. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't of said anything.."


"Can't we just skip the rest of the days and go looking for the vampires? I'm tired of school.." I say to Sakuya while walking home. "No... education, remember?" I roll my eyes. We are doing finals, which is tremendously hard. Without me thinking about vampires and going on adventures, I would have been stressed out of my mind. "Hey, what if we can start looking for the vampires today?" I stop in my tracks.

"What?" "Let's start looking for the vampires, starting now." I slowly turn to face him then freak out. "YOU WOULD DO THAT FOR ME?!? Do you need to do something? WHY ARE YOU SO NICE???" I quickly say this and jump to him, giving a big, tight, hug.
Y-Y/n... Y-your crushing.. my s-spine." I immediatly let go and apoligize a million times, him saying its fine. "But seriously, we can?" I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Yep." I throw both of my arms in the air and do a little victory dance, not caring if people saw me.

"So... where are we gonna begin?" "I dunno." "So you asked me if I wanted to do it, when you don't even know how?" "That's about right.."
I sigh for the third time that day. "Now how much about that did you think was true?" "SO YOU KNOW HOW AND WHERE TO START?!" "Never said that~" "STOP TEASING ME!" "Who said I was?" I groan. "Sakuya.." "Dont get mad~" "Im not mad," I puffed out my cheeks," Im annoyed. " Then, Sakuya grabbed my wrist and started running through a dark alley way. He pulled me in front of him.

"Did you see some--" I was cut off when Sakuya opened his mouth wide. Two sharp fangs were in place of where normal human teeth would be. I gasped, "Woah.." I was frozen, Sakuya started to shake my shoulders.
I looked up to him slowly saying, "So, uh, your a... vampire?" I ask. He looked at me with a sad expression. "Yeah, you scared?" I stare into his red eyes. "No.. maybe.. But I won't run away.. 'cause your still Sakuya." He turns bright pink. "Oh.." Tears start to form in his eyes. "Thanks." He says with sweet smile. I smile back, noting that my best friend and possible lover was the first vampire I had ever seen.
IM SO PROUD OF THIS OM--- I hope you like it <3

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