Sakuya x Fem!Reader Part 3- DRAFT

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<This was meant to be more comedic and romantic than the other ones. It also has Y/n being way too into narrating>

It was just a normal summer day.. *cough* okay, let's get real here. To correct myself, it was an unexpected summer day. A certain green haired vampire came up to me and asked, "Hey.. Y/n. Can you, um, go on a date with me?" And of corse, my only response was, "wHAT?!?!" So here we are, walking on the sidewalk, completely silent, and blushing.. a lot. "So, uh, S-Sa.. ... Saku.. Sa.." So, have you found out what the issue is yet? *ahem* I can't say his name. This is probably one of the most akwardest situations of my life, but I'm not the only one thinking that. Over to my left, you can only imagine whats going on in that kids' mind.

"Sakuya.." Yep, look at me go! I've finally said it without hesitation! "..Where a-are we going?"  Now, to make myself clear, I said this sentence over and over again in my mind. My partner stood in shock, realizing a HUGE mistake. "I didn't tell you?!?" He shouted in surprise. Wellllll, nice going hot brainless! "N-no.." The green haired brainless sighed and said, "W-we are going on a picnic..." I nodded and looked in his hand to find a basket with a blanket hanging out from the top. Probably because of how much food is in there.. hehe... food.

-Time skip to after they find the picnic and eat-
Note: My brain can't come up with an accurate sentence -0-;

Sakuya layed back, holding his stomach that looked like 4 balloons, "Gahh, I'm stuffed.." This guy shoved almost every sandwhich in his mouth, when I just sat staring at him twiddleing my fingers, BECAUSE I WAS TOO EMBARRESSED AND NERVOUS TO EAT.

"Hey, are you gonna have any?" He asked. There was only ONE FREAKING sandwich left. I shook my head quickly, giving the excuse of, "I'm not hungry."

I'm at a loss for plot T^T
I might continue part 3 if I ever find the time, but I'm not so sure.. Anyway, this wouldn't be so hard to do if it wasn't summer, where I live. (It's been so long since I've been to school that I don't even know what 1 + 1 is)
Either way, ChasityR162 I am reaaaaallly sorry about this, but if I can, I will write a different oneshot in this one's place.
Thank you all for reading this!

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