
505 12 1

This sucks lol

So, a few minutes ago, I was looking through the other chapters that haven't been written yet, and I noticed that The requesters that I tried tagging wErEn'T lIsTeD!1!1!1!

I'm assuming that happens if you don't write in an unpublished chapter for a while.

Anyway, what I'm deciding to do, is either go searching for the requested chapters, OR SIMPLY JUST WRITE WITHOUT TAGGING ANYONE. I'm not sure which one I should do ahah..

Anyway, in the last week that I have before school starts, I'll try writing as much as I can. But expect that after school starts, I won't be active.

Thank you for supporting me and LawlessKayla ! Your love means a lot to the both of us! <3

Servamp One Shots (x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora