Kuro x reader Alice in Wonderland AU

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Requested by: LawlessKayla
Written by: Me~

"Hey, do you know how much longer we can go back home?" I asked the man next to me, "Two years... 364 days?" The last part was a question, but obviously, I couldn't answer it. "We've only been here for a day!?" I held my head in frustration.

The man next to me and I... we're in a weird parallel world, that I'm sure you've heard of. Wonderland. We're in freaking Wonderland. We even have roles in this place. Kuro, the man, being the Cheshire Cat, and me, being Alice. But what's weird... everyone else we know is here too, but they don't have the memories we do. Like, they've completely forgot about our home world, and they live a completely different life than us.

The clock tower started chiming, "It's already 10?" I sighed, standing up from the bench. "Go by yourself," Kuro groaned, "I'm tired..." He transformed into his cat form. "You little..." I grabbed him by the tail, "Mahiru said for us to be at the castle every morning, I'm not going alone." "Owowowow...!" He started swinging himself, and eventually broke from my grasp, landing back on the bench.

"How can you be so mean and cruel to a cute cat like me?" I glared at him, "Stop messing around and come on...!" He transformed back and I started walking ahead, knowing he was following behind. We walked along the trail, my pace becoming slower and slower until I stopped. Kuro stopped too once he was next to me, and stared at me in confusion.

"Do you think we're being replaced in our world?" I had asked out of the blue, and he shrugged, starting to walk ahead of me, but not going too far before he stopped in his tracks, "Who knows... maybe their memories could've been erased too." My eyes widened, "They... completely forgot about us?"

Tears dared to fall down my blushed cheeks. How could our lives turn to such... crap? - And even in such a short time... But honestly, what I don't understand is... why did we come here anyway?


"Yeah, yeah.. bye mom!" I ended the call, and set my phone on my night stand. I looked out the window next to my bed, seeing the snow fall. "It's the first snow already?" It's pretty nostalgic... It had been exactly a year since we moved here. Exactly a year since I met my two best friends, Kuro and Mahiru, and exactly a year since... I was taught about servamps and their eves.

How could all of that happen in one day? Who knows... to be honest, the memory is already fading. How did I become friends with the two? Was it because... they saved me?

Anyway, leaving the thoughts to be worried about another day, I cleared my head and layed down. Pulling the covers up to my chin, I gripped the covers and felt my eyes grow heavy. My tiredness took over, and soon enough I was in my dream world.

That is, until I saw my dream fade in breaking puzzle pieces. My eye lids stayed over my eyes, creating a bright pink color for my eyes to see. "It's... bright..." My hoarse voice made out, and I slowly squinted my eyes open. From what I could see, it was amazingly bright, with white, blue, purple, and green colors swirling around. Pink confetti making my room a horrible mess, if I was even in my room.

My eyes shot open, and I immedietly sat up. I looked around, then down, seeing I was floating in the air, sitting with my legs crossed. "What..." I rubbed my eyes, and looked again, still seeing the colorful events. Without concious, my body stood up and walked around. My footsteps making a clear piano melody with every step. "Beautiful..."I muttered, feeling my heart skip a beat as I reached out to catch a piece of the falling confetti.

But, the piece fell through my hand once I grabbed it, almost like... I wasn't there. I pulled back my hand, turning it around to see my skin almost completly faded, leaving almost nothing to be seen. "What..?" Now I was starting to freak out. Why am I disappearing?

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