Yandere Lawless x reader (Lemon)

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Requested by: PaulinaHikari
Written by: EXO-TrashDonut

(I decided to make this into a achool AU~ Enjoy!)

"My Juliet...~" The creep had said, as I just kept walking, completely ignoring his call towards, who I assume, me. "Don't ignore me, Juliet~" I clutched my backpack and said, "My name isn't Juliet, Lawless." How do I know his name? Well, we go to the same school. He's even in almost all classes that I have, which makes this experience having to ignore and avoid him even more... great. Actually, I'm internally screaming. If I could, I would've already called the police on him. —Actually, why not just do it now?

I reached into your pocket, and brushed your fingers over my phone. You sighed aloud as you didn't have the heart to. What if he was just trying to be friends? Even though I don't really want to be friends with someone who won't leave me alone... "Why don't you just... go back to class or something?" I asked the figure who was following me with a large smile on his face. "Do I need to?" You pointed to the bathrooms, "I'd appreciate it."

"Then why did you bring your backpack?" You opened it up, "Change of clothes." He looked at your white shirt, which was stained with orange soda. "Oh. W-well, I'll wait here for you then!" You shook your head, "Not nessicary, also a little creepy. We're not even friends, dude." He was taken a back, but his smile turned into a *hot* smirk. "So... we're more than that, my Juliet?" You mentally face-palmed, "First, stop with the Shakespear, and second, stop trying to hit me up, because it's not happening anytime soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get rid of an embarrasing stain." I calmly said, turning around to walk into the girls bathroom.


I walked out of the bathroom, only to see a tall man with the scarf, "Cmon', go back to class without me!" I said, feeling irritated. He whipped around, "I did, but then I remembered, 'There is this really cool place in this building that absolutely NO ONE knows about!' so I came back to get you.

"Huh?" Without realising, I was already being pulled by Lawless. "Let go...!" I used all of my strength to try and stop him from pulling me. He looked towards me, showing a sad face, "You don't want to see it...?" He even made it extra by pouting a bit. I hesitated, "W-Well..." He gave me puppy eyes, "I... guess?"

"Great! So... the door is right there. Where the surprise is." He pointed and I asked, "Why aren't you coming with me?" He then replied, "I have to get something," He winked and walked away.. Hesitantly, I walked to the door, trying to look through the window but it was pitch black inside, at least I thought. When I opened the door, I looked away, seeing if Lawless was coming. When I saw he wasn't, I stepped inside, letting go of the handle. The door closed, and there was a locking sound, which startled me. I whipped around, trying to open the door and twisting the handle, but soon gave up. "Geez," I puffed out, and walked away from the door.

"This room is... actually kind of big?" There was only one single desk in the room. A bunch of what seemed like body bags layed out... wait, body bags? I crept towards them, sniffing the air. "Woah, the room smells like blood!" I kneeled down to one of the bags, and tried unzipping it. I whispered to myself, "It's stuck..." I tried to use the little strength I had to unzip it, but froze when I heard the door open.

I stood up, to face Lawless, "What did you need to get?" I asked, watching him shut the door behind him. He then turned to me, slowly creeping towards me, "Nevermind that, Juliet, my darling, you know how long I've been waiting for this?" I stepped back, "Waiting for... what?" He smirked. I backed up to a wall, and he took hold of my wrists.

"Waiting to make you mine.." He kissed my cheek, then roughly kissed my lips, leaving me in a state of shock and fright. He pulled back, "I killed so many.., just for you, my love." I struggled against his strong hold, "What the hell do you want from me!?"

He laughed softly then went to kiss me again, but I immedietly jerked my head to the side. "Don't resist... You already know what I want from you." He whispered into my ear, "Your body, perhaps?" That sent a shiver down my spine, "Let... me go..." He began kissing me roughly, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He explored my mouth, pulling back, leaving me to look at a web of saliva that connected from his to mine.

!!!!!!!!Lemon Warning!!!!!!!! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

He kissed me again, this time more softly. "I really do love you... I hope you know that. I killed so many people, who threatened to take you from me. And it was all for you... No, it was for us." "Ki..ll?" My voice were weak as he started to bite on my soft skin. He sucked on a certain place, leaving me to struggle with keeping my mouth shut. Tears started to form as he began biting the same place, switching from bites to sucking.

He let go of my wrists, only to unbotton my school uniforms' buttons to the shirt. My arms fell to my side, as I knew I didn't have even an ounce of strength to fight. He immedietly went to my breasts, as I didn't realise he already undid the bra. "What... are you-.." He sucked on my nipple, and fondled my "unoccupied" boob with his hand. I tightly closed my eyes, hearing myself hum in pleasure - my mouth still shut closed.

I cried his name when he pulled back and pulled down my skirt, rubbing his fingers over the fabric of my underwear. He smirked as he pulled down my underwear, "You're so wet, Y/n..." Without second thought, he stuck two fingers inside her clit, and moved them in and out. Fast. He went extraordinarily fast. I moaned out, without realizing. And once I opened my eyes, I saw how he was having fun with this.

I closed my eyes again as he stuck another finger in me. He continued the process, making me moan with whatever he did. Eventually, I was in a position that I never thought I'd be in. A position that means... well, you know that position.

Lawless had a condom on, and was ready to insert his... thing into me. "Ready?" He questioned, but I stayed silent. Soft whimpers soon turned to moans as he thrusted deep. He went at unhuman speed, going in and out. My moans were pitched as I felt my stomach turn. "I-I'm... close.." He thrusted a few more times before he pulled out. I cummed out, and he hugged me from the back.

"I love you, my Juliet..."

Servamp One Shots (x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें