Tsubaki x Mute! Reader

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Requested by: mikalover23
Written by: Me!

"Y/n," The dark haired man called out. I looked to him, a slight tilt of my head showing confusion, "Do you want some ice cream?" I nodded eagerly and hurriedly ran to his side. A while after, he had asked me, "Does it taste good?"  I gave a thumbs up and a smile. "Glad you like it." His face turned into a small smile.


"Why aren't you talking to me? Answer me!" They pleaded rather harshly. She opened her mouth, but silence only came out. "What the hell is wrong with her?" One of them asked their parent, "Why isn't she talking?" "Well," The parent started, and in a smirk, they said, "Maybe she's too shy. Why not become friends with her?" A kid cracked their knuckles, "Yeah, why not?" All the kids in a group came up to her, each with evil grins. They kicked, punched, laughed at her, yet the parents did nothing except watch in amusement.

She had poor health too, which she couldn't tell anyone, so the pain that most people would feel, it was much more severe. But she could hardly whimper or yell for help, because her voice was like a small shift in the air. You could barely hear her voice.

A short while afterwards, she didn't have any strength to do anything. She lied on the ground, barely breathing, eyes partly open. "Alright, its getting late kids! Playtime's over." One of the parents called out, and every kid surrounding her turned around and left her there by herself. It wasn't long before they each left without another turned back. Her shoulders stopped going up and down, and finally, her eyes closed.

"Hey," A man's voice rang out through her ears. "Hey, are you awake?" He had asked. She was afraid to open her eyes, but without her consent, she opened them anyways. "How are you feeling?"


I noticed I was in a room with bright lights. I closed my eyes immedietly, and brought my hand up to cover them. I winced, the light still burning my eyes. "Ah, sorry. Do you want me to turn them off for you? It must be hard to see with such bright lights when you've been out for a couple days." She nodded, and sat up slowly, while he went to flip the switch off on the wall.

"Alright. Is that better? Can you see me clearly?" She nodded, bringing her hands together, folding them into her lap. She saw a person who she couldn't make out. They're features were clouded and gray, but she nodded either way. "You're probably wondering why you're here, so let me explain to you:

I found you. You died, getting beaten up by those lowley kids a few days ago. You were watched by their parents who didn't even have the decency to stop them.

But now, I would like you to become someone's Eve."

I gave a confused look, noticably saying, 'What's an Eve?'

"An Eve is the master of a Servamp. Servamps are servant vampires, by the way. Before you say- before you give me a weird look, I'm telling the honest truth, though this may seem pretty unbelievable." I followed along with what he said. "Anyway, let me talk about Servamp I'm asking you to somehow take care of..."

He spoke seriously, but with a soft voice. It seemed like the man was still young, but very wise, like he'd been alive for a great while. I walked out of the building, and somehow ended up feeling taller..? I looked over to a nearby window, seeing my reflection. 'Was I really out for just a few days? I never looked like this..' I had longer legs with longer arms. I managed to shake my head forgetting about my concerns, and instead followed the directions of which the servamp, Tsubaki, lived.

It didn't take me long to get to the top floor of the building where he stayed. I cautiously rang the doorbell, but had to multiple times until someone finally opened it.

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