Yandere! Lawless and Licht x Reader DRAFT

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Requested by: Sleepy-Kuro
Written by: LawlessKayla

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It was a cold afternoon and I was walking home when the corner of my eye caught a moving shadow. I hadn't seen anyone else walking about so i took notice. A noise caught my attention as i swiftly turned around. Nothing. "I...I guess its all in my head..." i whisper to myself and i turned back around and continued walking. the whole way home, i had a strange feeling someone was watching me.

Lawless's P.O.V

"Ahhh...my lovely Juliet, such a sight. Anyone who comes between our relationship is as good as dead. You. will. be. MINE....its not like you have a choice..." i creepily smiled to myself as (Y/N) entered her home.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V. (so sorry if i switch between P.O.V.'s too often..ehehe...)

"Finally made it home. Gosh am I tired...*yawn*...but i do have homework to do, then again it is Friday. I'll do it Saturday.." I quickly change into my pajamas and plop into my bed. I was about to fall asleep when i heard a ding go off. i look in the direction of my nightstand and groan."Really, someone had to text me right freaking now..." I sat up and picked up my phone too see a disturbing message left by an unknown number.

([ Unknown ] -(Y/N)- )

[ Hey angel, I see your in bed....you look so stunning even when you're a mess ]

my face lit with fear as i didn't hesitate to lock my door and windows, flip my nightstand light on and cover the windows with the blinds.

[ Awww~ what did you do that for, it just ruined my fun... ]

- who the hell are you? -

[ that's none of your concern, my angel ]

- I swear if you don't leave me alone, I'll report this to the police!

[ don't waste your breath, I'm not here too hurt you, i would never dare lay my blade on your delicate, porcelain skin...Goodnight my angel ]

~ Unknown has left the chat room ~

I shut off my phone and ran my fingers through my hair. I was left completely petrified. 'who was that...how did they get my number...?' the endless line of questions run through my head as a laid back down on my bed, closing my eyes.

*0* ~Timeskip~ *0*

I woke up the next morning and started to get ready for school. I remembered the unknown person that texted me, which was enough to send chills down my spine. I grabbed my phone and went to my messages and saw nothing. absolutely nothing. 'was it all just a bad dream..?" i checked my contacts and what i saw shocked me.

None of them were there. i grabbed my backpack and started to head to school. I took my usual route, the one where not that many people were at, just the way i like it. up ahead of me I saw my upperclassmen friend Litch. i smiled and ran to him. "hey senpai!" "Oh! hello there (Y/N)." he smiled in a weird way, but i thought nothing of it.

"The strangest thing happened to me last night. Some creep was sending me disturbing messages, and to make it even creepier, all of my chatrooms and contacts have been erased..."

His smile doesn't seem to be fading...

"Oh...what a shame..."

This weird vibe doesn't seem to be fading...

"O-oh..i should be going now..."

I start to walk away swiftly and once i was out of his view i began running towards the school. I wasn't watching my surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone. "Ahh! I'm so sorry i wasn't watching where i was going and-"

My sentence was cut short when i was shoved into an alleyway. I struggled to pick myself up off the ground as someone started to walk closer. My body gave in and I felt myself drifting away. The last thing i had seen was another man walking into the alleyway.

*0* Time skip brought to you by MILK!

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I sat up and looked around as the door opened. "Oh..your awake."

"H-hyde? Where am I? What happened?" I looked at him as he sat on the corner of the bed. "Well i was walking down the street when i saw a man an attack you, so i acted fast and took him out." "O-oh..well thank you."

He came closer...

"You're welcome..."

And closer...

"You should be a lot more careful..."

And closer...


Litch's P.O.V.

    "What do you mean she didn't show up?!" He yelled at (F/N), your best friend. "Y-yeah, she didn't make it to school." litch took a step closer to her/him. "If your lying...your gonna pay dearly." his grin grew larger, showing no sign of sanity. He took a few more steps towards them, pulling out a pocket knife. " I swear! I have no idea what happened to her! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!" he pushed her/him into a corner.

(slight gore up ahead...)

    "ahaha.....AHHHAHAHA!" he pierced her/him in the chest, twisting the knife and pushing it down into there stomach, blood gushing out. "I GAVE YOU THE CHANCE TO TELL ME WHERE SHE WENT, BUT YOU LET MY PATIENTS RUN OUT! AHHAHAHAH!" he pulled from their stomach, (F/N)'s body laying lifeless, crimson blood decorating the ground. "Maybe next time i should try and get less blood on me..." he grabbed (F/N)'s body and dragged it to the furnace, disposing of any evidence leading to (F/N)'s death.

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