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Danny - dally

Sandy - Johnny

Rizzo - Steve

Kenickie - Sodapop

Sonny - two-bit

Frenchy - ponyboy

Marty - darry

Dally: summer loving had me a blast

Johnny: Summer loving happened so fast.

Dally: Met a dude, crazy for me

Johnny: met a boy cute as can be.

Summer days drifting away to uh oh those summer nights.

Gang: oh well oh well oh well uh  tell me more tell me more

Two-Bit: did you get very far?

Tell me more tell me more

Ponyboy: like does he have a car?

Shoo bop bop shoo bop bop yeah
Dally: he swam by me, he got a cramp

Johnny: he ran by me got my suit damp

Dally: I saved his life, he nearly drowned.

Johnny: he showed up splashing around

Oh summer fling don't mean a thing but uh oh those summer nights

Johnny: he got friendly, holding my hand,

Dally: why he got friendly down in the sand

Johnny: why he was sweet, just turned 18

Dally: he was good, you know what I mean!

Summer heat, boy and boy meet well uh oh those summer nights.

Tell me more tell me more

Two-Bit: but you don't gotta brag

Tell me more tell me more

Steve: cuz he sounds like a drag

Johnny: it turned colder- and that's where it ends

Dally: so I told him, we'd still be friends

Johnny: then we made our true love vow

Dally: wonder what he's doing now....

Steve: ugh, that goodie two shoes makes me sick

Steve: look at me I'm Johnny Cade, lousy with virginity, won't go to bed til I'm legally wed, I can't I'm Johnny Cade!

Watch it! Hey I'm Doris day, I was not brought up that way. Won't come across even rock Hudson lost his heart to Doris Day

Elvis! Elvis! Let me be, keep that pelvis far from me keep your cool cuz ur starting to drool! Hey fongool, I'm Johnny Cade

Johnny:...... You making me fun of me, Steve?

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