how edgy they are

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Darry: 1 out of 10. Legit the most edgiest thing he's said is "I don't care that you broke your elbow"

Two-Bit: 6/10 his dark humor is lit yo

Steve: 8/10 this bitch says his favorite drink is bleach like woah the edge is terrifying

Dally: 10/10 he has no limit

Sodapop: 1.5/10

Johnny: 0.1/10

Ponyboy: when he turns 15 he's totally gonna go through that edgy phase. Onision will be his daddy and he'll make fun of people like smh pony u issa joke

Im so edgy™ 

No but when I was like 12 i liked onision I made cutting and suicide jokes like calm down girl you're in 7th grade

Im still edgy™ in a way but noT aS edgy as I was before

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