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"It's been forever hasn't it?" He muttered softly into the phone before stifling a stiff chuckle.
"Yeah... good times."

For a short period of time, the house grew silent, leaving only the loud cackles from the fireplace. He turned slowly, staring at the embers of the fire slowly shrink in size.

"Yes... yes she's fine. She rarely calls and that really worries us, but every time we visits she smiles. Treats us to ice cream and such."

The silence was broken by the clunk of the firewood landing upon the charcoal that burned in the fireplace.

"He's almost of age too, yes... let's stop talking about me." He said almost abruptly, furrowing his brow and frowning significantly, unbeknownst to his caller.
"Tell me... How long has she been gone?"

"...yes... we need to act now... there's no time left..." he finally concluded after another long moment.
"I'm packing him with everything he needs and much more - the rest is up to you."

His flowing blue (tentacle...?) hair shone under the raging embers of the flames he revived, mouth suppressed into an ugly frown as he grimaced.

"... I've had enough adventure to last me a lifetime if you catch my drift. It's time to hand things over to the younger ones..."

The embers cackled as he finished his sentence, finally dying away as the final bit of wood fizzled away as little glowing pieces of charcoal that flowed through the chimney.
The room was pitch black, with the only exception of the moonlight that shone from the curtains, which glinted in his bright blue eyes.

"It's time... time to save Callie--"

Bluzi tripped over the carpet and helped as he pulled onto the table cloth. Everything atop the table came crashing down onto the ground and he yelled as he tried desperately to save the teacup.
He panted as he untangled himself from the phone cord and stood up slowly.

The lights flickered on and Orae stood there with a raised brow.
"Oh come on! This is the second time this week-- stop just using the fireplace as your source of light!" She yelled.
"Oris can't sleep and you tripping over everything and causing a ruckus ain't helping!"

Bluzi rolled his eyes,
"But this is the intro to a brand new book - I have to make it amazingly epic and mysterious! You can't do it with normal lighting and..."


Hi guys how is life? I see that your wall has fallen again- guess I'm hanging out with all of you again! ^^

"This is just great." Orae stared at me with a furrowed brow.
"Where's the guy with superglue when you need him..."

Soooo yeah! I'm back!
Hopefully with a better book that will not disappoint anymore, I owe ya guys that much!
It's going to have its usual dark underground stuff, but I'm putting a more serious emphasis on romance and humour this time around.
I hope that you'll enjoy what I have planned (A.K.A. Stuff I have a general idea towards but lack the details toward so I'll be making up as we go along 😅)

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