Chapter 5

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We were galloping through the forest for an hour. Boring.

"Ria?" "Yo! What?" I said. "Look, umm-" "what?" I asked. Briana was looking past me with a scared expression. "What is it?" I asked. "Look." Bryce said. And so I did. I turned my horse around and saw a figure standing on top of the hill. It had a sword raised. Three others came out and they all moved swiftly towards us. "Who are they?" I asked. "Now how would we know?" Sheila asked me with a loud voice. The strangers were approaching with weapons drawn. We just waited. (Like idiots if you ask me)

"Who are you?" The leader asked with a booming voice. "We're travelers." Sheila said. "Are you sure?" He asked us. "Yes we are." Bryce said firmly. He nodded his head, spoke to the others in a foreign language, then turned back to us.

"Follow us. We'll escort you to Legi." He said. "How does he know?" I asked Bryce. "Know what?" "That we're going to Legi? Duh!" "Probably because Legi is the nearest kingdom." He said with a look that made me slap him. "Whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes.

We rode for another hour again which made my bottom hurt. "Could we have a rest stop? My butt hurts." I asked. "Really?" Buff guy said. "Yes! The saddle is hard and it's really painful to sit on it for so long!" I yelled. They started laughing. I stopped my horse, turned, and went to the creek that was near the path. I hopped off and watered my horse while I walked around.

"Hey. You ok?" Bryce asked. "I'm fine." "You sure don't look fine." Briana says as she comes up. "No really. I'm fine." They all stop asking knowing that I'd run away if they ask again. I love my friends.

We all watered our horses. Then a horn blew in the distance. The escort men spoke in their language and drew their weapons. "If you can, get out of here. NOW." Buff man said. "Why?" I asked. A man on a horse came in view. He had a flaming arrow aimed. I saw way. I saddled my horse and so did my friends. Our horses leaped over the creek and ran to i-have-no-idea-where.

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