Chapter 11

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"Ria. Ria. Ria! Wake up!" Briana said as she shook me. "Huh? What?" I said. "Get up. There's some news you should know about." She told me. "What?" I said sitting up. "Buff man confirmed the king and queen's suspicions. He told them you are the missing princess. They want you to go back to the castle." She said looking down and sad. "How did you know?" I asked as I out my arm around her. "They sent us a letter. Ria, this is dangerous. They could hold you as hostage." "That's not hard. That won't hurt me. But what would hurt me is if my mom really doesn't care for me." I said. We both had one arm around the other person. We sat in silence thinking what to do.

"Do you think they want me to prove myself?" I asked. "I really don't know." "Hey there. I just came back up. I had a talk with my parents. You're not going to the castle till this afternoon, and so Briana, my mom, Sheila and I will help teach you the ways of royalty." Lia said as she came in. I just realized that Lia wasn't here.

"Thanks Lia." I said.

I got up and dressed, then followed Lia and Briana to the dining room where Aunt Tasha and Sheila were waiting.

Aunt Tasha and Sheila had faces that described pain and hesitance.

"What is it?" I asked. "We're just anxious. And we really don't want you to go back to the castle." Aunt Tasha's face showed more worry than what she said. I decided to push her. I ate breakfast then we all went to the study/library. "Where's Bryce?" I asked. "He's out riding with Reggie." Aunt Tasha said. "Oh, ok." I said.

They taught me more about posture, style and etiquette. I already know my manners. I practiced balancing books on my head while walking with heels, very high heels, like 3 inches high. That's high for me, okay? Don't judge.

I practiced walking properly and talking and addressing properly too. I know right? There has to be a proper way of TALKING AND WALKING. Can't believe it. I'm glad I didn't learn all those stuff. I so prefer battle and combat.

We wrapped up everything by lunch time. A messenger came from the castle calling for me. I was to go alone. I said goodbye to the ladies who helped me and followed the messenger guy to the carriage. I'd prefer a horse or walking.

When we arrived, I met the king and queen in their throne room. "Good noon, your highnesses." I said as I bowed. My cashmere dress with an outline of gold felt a bit heavy.

I stood up tall. "Hello there, Riaviona." Queen Mariana said. "We are glad you could come." King Raymond said. "Our son would like to "hang out" with you today, to get to know you more." The queen said. "Yes, your highness. I would be delighted." I said. A maid came in to lead me to the gardens where Prince Andrew would be waiting. He didn't really have a royal name, but it's ok, I guess.

He was sitting on a bench with a gold labrador playing nearby. I walked up behind him as he turned around. He had blond hair, blue eyes and a kind smile. "Hello Princess Riaviona." He said bowing. Surprised by him using my title, I took a long pause. "Oh, umm, right. Sorry. Hello Prince Andrew." I said stuttering. No one ever calls me princess. "Are you okay!" He asked. "I'm fine, really. It's just that no one really calls me "princess"." I say. "Oh. Then how should I call you then?" He asks. "Just Ria. That's what everyone calls me." I say. We walk side by side with the dog jogging alongside us as we stroll the gardens.

"Is it true your mother persecutes, well, you know." He says. "I only knew a few days ago actually. I never really see my mother. I feel like I'm locked up in the castle." I say slowly. "Oh. I see. Well, I hope you enjoy your time here." He says with a smile. "I have. Your kingdom is lovely." I say with a twirl. "What about your kingdom?" He asks with a suspicious look. "I'm not sure. I was young when I last roamed the town. Last time I did go out, was night time. Umm-" I stutter. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell him everything. "I see. Well I'd love to see it one day." He says as he looks at me. "I would too." I say under breath. We continue to hang out in the garden and play with his dog, Ralph. I enjoyed the time spent with the prince and his dog.

"Your highness? Lunch is served" a maid said as came towards us. "Right. Come along, Ria. Let's have lunch." I follow Andrew and Ralph to the dining hall. I sit beside him and enjoy the meal. Afterward, Andrew and I go riding.

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