Chapter 12

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Andrew and I rode on a forest path for a few hours. We talked a lot and got to know each other better.

Turns out, he's an only child and his parents want him to get hitched and he doesn't want to. He also said that he loves art, playing instruments, and fighting. Not bad. He said that the war would probably start soon. He didn't know when. He just said that my mom sent a threat and that was it. I was silent during that time. I got the strange feelings again about my mom.

"So umm, I was wondering Ria." Andrew started. "Would you like to stay at the castle for a few weeks? I'd like to know you more and-" "yeah?" He was having a hard time saying what he had to say. "And I think if my parents know who you really are, then maybe they wouldn't umm. Think of you badly." He said looking away. I knew he was keeping back something. Knowing it was already hard for him, I didn't push it. "I guess I could. I have to ask permission from my aunt first." I say. "Of course." He said. We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the castle.

Their castle was quite big. It had a hundred rooms and tunnels. I enjoyed his company. After dinner, I had to go back "home." I now call my aunt's mansion my home. It feels more like home anyway. I said goodbye to the royal family and rode the carriage to my aunt's mansion.

"Ria! How was it?" Briana and Lia came out of the door and met up with me and tackled me into a hug. "Hahaha. It was great." I say. "How great?" Lia asked. "Girls. Give her some space. Come on in Ria. You can change into more comfortable clothes then tell us all about it in the study." Aunt Tasha said. I nodded, then changed.

In the study, everyone was waiting. Even Uncle Reggie and Bryce. I sit down in a comfy chair and tell them about my day.

"All you had to do was hang out with the prince?" Lia asked. She made a fainting pose. "Oh stop it, Lia." I say laughing. "He's not that bad. Besides, he said that if I stay for a few weeks, maybe his parents would change their minds about me." I continue. "What do they think about you then?" Sheila asked. "I don't know. Andrew had a hard time expressing it all." I say slowly thinking about it. "So soon, his parents would change their minds about you, and you'd have to marry the prince? Okay then." Bryce said with his arms crossed. "Bryce, I didn't say that I'd marry him. Besides, this is for the sake of peace, hopefully, for our kingdoms." I say. "Mhmmm. Sure." He says looking away. "Bryce. You're my best friend. No need to act that way." I say as I walk towards him. "I know." He says with his smile as he uncrosses his arms. He gives me a hug and says "be careful out there. There are many horrible people in this world." He says. I break away and nod.

"Then it's settled. Ria will stay at the castle for 2 weeks. Then she'll come back here and continue her life here with us." Uncle Reggie said as he stood up. "Yes. Go get packing, Ria." Sheila says. "Can't I leave the day after tomorrow?" I ask with a pleading look. "All right. I'll tell the queen." Aunt Tasha says. I thank her then follow my friends upstairs. "Goodnight Briana, Sheila and Bryce." I say. "Goodnight Ria." Came three responses. I smile then get into bed.

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