Chapter 7

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Briana and I were in the castle exploring our room, when Bryce knocked on the door and came in.

"Hey. Umm." He stammered. "Yes Bryce?" Briana asked as she put her hands on her hips with a teasing smile. I stifled a laugh. These two looked so much alike, it was funny to see them like this. "I just wanted to ask what our plan is?" "Oh. In that case, I don't know." Briana answered. "What? What did you think I was gonna say?"he asked with a confused expression. She looked at me then to him and said "nothing." I got it now. I gave Briana a face that made her laugh.

"Come on people. Get dressed. Put on a dress and leave your clothes in the washing machine. We're needed at the royal dinner. Tasha will be there, so we need to talk to her." Sheila said as she poked her head through the door.

We dressed in a hurry, then ran down the stairs. When we cane upon the entrance, we stood straighter, and walked with grace trying to look decent. We met up with Bryce and Sheila and tried to act polite and more princess like. As I said before, I don't have classes about manners and stuff, and so I need to learn.

The trumpets blared and announced the arrival of Duchess Tasha and Princess Lia. I stood there in awe at my aunt and cousin. They came towards me. "Hello Ria." They said. "You- you know me?" I said.

"Of course we do." Lia said.

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