c· 5:27PM

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Daveed and Alex arrived at the reception, and walked in amidst cheers and yells. Alex and Daveed went to the front, where they greeted their friends and family, then began eating. Alex and Daveed both had a juicy chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli, while others chose between chicken, steak, and salmon. Alex ate slowly, savoring the tasty food and calm, nonetheless noisy, area. She eyed the DJ, Lin-Manuel Miranda himself. She nodded to him.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen and Oak, would you please turn your attention to the dance floor, where Daveed and Alex will be having their first dance as man and wife."  Alex grabbed Daveed's hand and walked to the dance floor. He bowed deeply, and she did a short curtsey. She stood up, and was pulled into proper dancing formation, shoulders back, chin up, knees straight but not locked. They pranked around the floor, then Alex's eyes shot to Lin as the song sped up into her favorite song, Shut up and dance. She smiled and began dancing with Daveed, having the time of her life. She pulled Reid onto the floor, and Daveed grabbed Sebastian, swinging them in a mock dance, around the floor. They wiggled and shimmied, having fun and letting loose.

"Okay. Okay, Now, Alex has requested to do a brother sister dance, rather than a father daughter dance." Anthony said, and Alex was spun into Lin's arms. They settled for a simple rock back and forth. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder, rocking back and forth to a One Direction song that had been Alex's favorite song when she was younger.

"And Daveed's turn, with his mother, Barbara." Alex and Lin bowed, and Daveed took the stage. 'You've Got A Friend' from Toy Story came on and they danced. After that, Daveed walked over and grabbed Alex's hand.

"Time?" Daveed asked, and Alex smiled up at Daveed.

"It's time." Daveed grabbed the microphone, speaking into it gently.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, we have come together as one, and now we will be cutting the cake as one, please, come join us." They walked to the cake stand. They cut the cake together, and Daveed fed Alex simply, without putting any on her face. Alex acted like she was going to throw it at Daveed, but quickly spun and smashed the cake in Lin's face. He turned and chased Vanessa, yelling  about how she never kissed him. Alex laughed and fed Daveed a piece.

"You're perfect, baby." Daveed kissed her softly. They passed cake out to their guests, and they ate theirs.

Alex turned to look at Daveed. She smiled widely. "Lets dance." All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked to the dance floor, standing in a circle. The chicken dance started, and Alex burst out laughing. She joined, nonetheless. They continued dancing through the next 15 songs.

Soon, the night ended. Alex made sure that Anthony and Jasmine had Reid and then Daveed and Alex left for their trip to Great Britain.

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