Chapter 6

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A week later I was on my way to the London airport to accompany the boys on their third US Tour.  Alistair had phoned me that morning to let me know he would be picking me up that night so we could head to the airport together.  The past week had gone by quickly.  I don’t really know where the time went, but between handling the phones at the office and informing Sandra of pending issues, Wednesday had arrived all too soon.  I hadn’t had much time to pack for these next two weeks I would be in the States, so I had grabbed a combination of clothes from both my closet and Emma’s.  The tour would last two weeks and coincidently enough, their last stop would be San Francisco.  Who knew?  Maybe I would get a chance to pay a quick visit to my parents while I was there. 

I had managed to get a hold of Emma and explain the whole situation.  She had cautioned me to be very careful while I was on tour, especially after everything that had happened at the Philippines.  I assured her I would be careful and that I probably wouldn’t be able to call her while I was traveling, but I would try to go visit mom and dad while I was there.  Up until now, our parents didn’t know that I had taken on Emma’s job, but with this new development, Emma told me it was probably best that they knew what was going on.  She told me she would call them when she had the chance and let them know all the details.  Ironically, I didn’t even have a clue if my parents even knew who Emma worked for, but I would let her handle all of that.  I had enough on my plate with the tour as it was.

I wanted to dress comfortably for the flight, but I figured there would probably be no time to change before the press conference so I opted to wear a black pencil skirt with a cream colored top.  I had never travelled with the Beatles before nor had Emma so we really weren’t sure what the dress code was like, but I knew there would be reporters and cameras so I needed to at least look professional.  

Alistair helped me with my bag and he directed me to an entrance where a group of airport security was waiting for us.  We were escorted by vehicle directly to the plane.  There were quite a bit of fans outside holding up signs wishing them luck and saying they loved them.  Alistair told me the boys were already inside and for me to go on up; he needed to talk to a few of the airport staff to handle a few things before he caught up with me on the plane.

I walked in to find the four guys already seated on the plane.  George and Ringo were talking bwith each other, Paul was reading the newspaper and John was slumped in his seat with a glass of scotch in his hand. 

“Hi.” I said as I walked in.

Paul, George and Ringo all greeted me in unison while John looked up and groaned.

“Well nice to see you too.” I said to John a bit offended by his reaction.

“Sorry Emma…but the fact that Brian asked you to come instead of bringing Sandra just means that things are a fuckin’ disaster.” John said as he took a gulp of scotch.

“Sadly John is right. Brian changing you up with Sandra means he’s worried about the situation in the States…” George said.

“Relax …Brian’s just taking precautions by choosing Brains over Beaut--“ Paul suddenly cut himself off realizing what he had just said.

“Well…That’s just about the most horrible compliment I’ve ever gotten. You fellas really know how to make a girl feel welcomed.” I said as I started walking to the back of the plane.

“Emma...I didn’t mean—“ Paul started saying.

I put my hands up to have him stop. “Just…don’t.” I said as I kept walking and sat as far away as I could from them. 

“This is going to be a very long two weeks.” I muttered under my breath. 

“Don’t take it personally, luv.” I heard Ringo’s voice. 

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