Chapter 8

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We found ourselves heading to Washington D.C. the next morning. Up until now the tension of the tour had been bearable; the boys had handled themselves rather well in the interviews and there was still a good number of attendance at the concerts. However, Alistair had warned me that there had been a large number of protests forming around the Washington area and that we needed to take extra precaution to make sure everything ran smoothly. Tony Barrow, the band's publicist was also on call trying to continue with the damage control. He advised the boys to hold out on another interview until a little later on the tour in order to not stir the people any more. Hopefully by then, the whirlwind of the controversy would have calmed down. 

Once we reached the hotel, Alistair suggested we try to relax for a bit since we would have to be leaving with some time in order to make it to the concert by 6pm. We saw on the news that the Ku Klux Klan was going to be staging a protest just outside of the stadium and would be "upholding Christianity by stopping the performance for it it was nothing but blasphemy." as on of the members of the Klan said while being interviewed. None of the boys said anything after turning off the television set, but the anxiety that could be felt was dreadful. All of us, including myself, were quite nervous heading out to the stadium. As we drove closer, we could see police and protesters alike filling the streets. We approached the entrance of the stadium where we were supposed to be entering, but as we got near, the police was obstructing it. 

"What's all this?" Paul asked nervously as he looked around. 

"Roll your window down and tell them we need to get through." Brian said to Greg, our driver. 

Greg did what Brian had told him, but I managed to hear the cop tell him that no cars were allowed to pass. 

"Bloody the fuck do they expect us to get in?" John said annoyed. 

"Emma, did you get in touch with the venue?" Brian questioned. 

"Yes. Of course." I said quickly. 

"And here I thought we were upgrading from Sandra..." John muttered just loudly for me to hear. 

I glared back at him taking offense to his statement, but he didn't even flinch. I knew that nerves were running high right now, but there was no need to take it out on me. I had called the venue just as I had every other one before and arranged to have the car drop off the boys inside the stadium. From where we were, I could see a few people from what looked like the stadium staff standing outside the entrance. I decided my best bet was to head over and talk to them. They needed to authorize the police to let the car go through. 

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go see how we can solve this." I said pulling out my Beatles Staff pass and putting it on as I opened the door. 

"Neil, go with her." Brian said. 

I got out of the car and was suddenly very aware of the hostile surroundings.  The roar of the crowd was nothing like the screams of the fans when they saw the boys…this was intimidating and aggressive.  Neil and I walked past the security and headed towards the venue’s personnel that were standing at the same entrance that our vehicle was supposed to be going through.  With each step I took, my feeling of uneasiness turned into apprehension.  I looked at the protesters glaring at me and yelling for us to go home.  I saw some people holding signs with “Beatles, Go Home!” and “Jesus Died for You John Lennon”, but what really brought my fear out was seeing a burning cross in the back and about 15 members of the Ku Klux Klan making their way to the front of the crowd.  There was a string of police along the barricades, but the mob seemed to be growing exponentially.

I hurriedly walked to the venue entrance and finally reached the staff that was waiting for us.  The buzzing of the masses was making it hard to communicate with them.

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