Chapter 5

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Photo of Cody

We sped through town, after about 12 blocks the guy removed his ski mask. He was actually pretty cute for a human. He had short back hair and brown eyes. He wasn't very muscular though, but he wasn't tiny either. He looked over at me and I could still see nervousness in his eyes. "My name is Paul Phillips, you are?" He asked as he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Denae Woodard." I said shaking his hand. "So where are you taking me?" He looked around to see where we were.

"I'm going to drop you off right outside of town with Cody." He replied.

"How do you know Cody?" I asked curiously. I wonder if he knows our secret? I'm not going to ask though.

"I met him at a bar a few years ago." Paul said. "We've been friends ever since. He's a really good guy, when he asked me to do this I couldn't turn him down." Cody had a lot of friends, he basically knew everyone and everyone loves him. He's a bit annoying to me but he's really good company. I owe him a lot also, there have been times where he was the only one who could or would pull Roman from me. Everyone else just stood around watching in amazement as he slapped me around. Cody had heard me screaming from outside and he came in and tackled Roman off of me. They actually got into a fight, Roman won but Cody got through to him a little.

"Yea, he is a good guy." I said in agreement. "You didn't have to do this you know." I said watching him.

"I know." He stated. "I just don't like it when women are in your situation. If I had said no, where would you be?" He asked glancing at me.

"Stuck in that house waiting for him to come back." I replied looking at my lap. Why were these people taking sacrifices for me? Eventually Roman will figure out it was all a trick and someone will have to pay. I already know he's going to track Dina down. She'll be the first one he questions other than Cody.

We rode in silence. I looked out of the window and watched everything I had once known pass me by. I wasn't going to miss it really, the only thing I will ever miss about this town is Dina and Marty, even though Marty hates me. We were at the spot I was in when Roman had caught up with me. I inhaled deeply just to make sure he wasn't going to pop out again like last time. I didn't catch any scent of him. I let out a deep breath of relief.

Amazingly, we made it. We drove straight out-of-town without anyone noticing. He drove to an abandoned warehouse, I saw Cody's car when we pulled up. He was leaning against the hood, he looked pretty calm. I got out of the car and Paul grabbed my bag. "Told you I would get her." He yelled to Cody who was walking towards the car.

"I never doubted you. I knew you would be good for the job. That's why I asked you." Cody replied. He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. "How are you?" he asked, pulling away from me. His gray eyes bore into mine. Cody was extremely handsome. He has strawberry blond hair that he lets fall around his face. He's refused a haircut for the last two years. Before I had found out that he had already found his mate, I had wished he would be mine. He may be annoying but he would make an amazing mate.

"Pretty good." I replied with a smile. "I will be a lot better once I'm far away." He frowned at me.

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