Chapter 9

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(Roman's P.O.V.)

This past week has been hell. I wake up in the morning, may talk to Cody, then I go down to the basement to be exorcised. I can feel him growing weaker everyday. I can feel my own emotions today, tomorrow is another day though. Today I'm feeling is sorrow. I am in need of my mate, I want her in my arms and I want to make up for all the terrible things I've done. I want to marry her, I love her more than anything. I was being a pussy before, I didn't want her to think I was crazy. She thinks that anyway but that wasn't my intention. Every time I was around her this demon would make me snap. I had to fight sometimes. Even if I did gain control my eyes showed that he was there. She thinks I hate her and that I didn't want her, but I wont survive without her. The second this demon is gone I'm going to search for her. 

Everyone is acting like she just disappeared, like nobody saw anything. Somebody had to have seen something. It just doesn't make any sense. Human never break into houses in my neighborhood. Nobody has ever had to worry about anything like that. There are over fifty people out looking for her. I talked to Cody a little while ago, he's really working hard to find her. He is in his home town now looking for her. He hasn't had any luck so far but I'm not going to give up yet. I wont stop until I find her.

"Come in mom." I whispered. I could smell her flowery scent from outside the door. I was weak from all these exorcism's. My body ached and I could hardly stand on my own. I had been in bed all day. I refused treatment today. When the doctors came to fetch me I fought them. How much do they think I can take? I've done this shit for 7 days straight. She opened the door and peaked in. 

"How are you today?" She asked looking concerned. 

"I actually feel like my old self a little. I just wish Denae were here." I whispered. I closed my eyes and thought about the last time we had been together. I inhaled deeply as I remembered how gently I had touched her and how sweetly I kissed her. I know she could see change that night, I just wish it would have stuck with her.

"We'll find her son." My mom said sitting down beside me. She placed her hand over mine and smiled at me. I believed her, I had a feeling that where ever she is she is actually safe. Even if i found her tomorrow I wouldn't let her see me like this. If she were here, I would tell her all the things I never did. 

"Can I get you anything?" She asked me. "You should try to eat something, you're losing weight sweetie." I nodded to her and she went down to find me something to eat. a few minutes later she came back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. 

"You know I hate soup." I said frowning. There just wasn't enough in it, water, a few noodles, and a chunk or two of chicken. "Who are you trying to feed? A human?" I asked turning up my nose.

"Hush, it will make you feel better, maybe you wont throw up this time." She said handing me the bowl. "Plus, I'm your mother and you're going to eat it because I said so." She added before she left the room. I rolled my eyes and sucked up a spoonful of the soup. When I finished I did feel better, I wasn't nauseous and my head had stopped spinning. 

I slowly sat up on the bed, I bite my lip to hold back a groan. My body hurt so bad, I can't even begin to explain how painful it is to be possessed. Its bad enough that you have an unwanted spirit in your head. Bringing out the demon is when the damage is done to my body. When he's in control he jerks my body around on the table and bends my body in unimaginable positions. When I woke up yesterday and tried to move pain shot through my ribs. That's when my mom informed me that they were cracked. My ribs will be completely healed tomorrow, I'm just really sore.

The house I'm staying in is my parents. Before my dad drowned he bought it for my mom. They used to travel a lot and my mother hates hotel rooms, so they bought many houses around the world. I miss my father, he would know what to do if he were here. He always knew how to solve people's problems. He died ten years ago, we had gone on vacation. It was an amazing day, my parents had bought me everything I had wanted but my father was acting strange. He seemed to worried about everything. My mother had told him not to worry and to have fun with his family. 

My dad owned a huge yacht, and we were deep-sea fishing. I had recorded the trip on my dads camera when I heard my mother. "Davis!" My mother screamed. "Davis, I think something is on my hook!" She was trying to reel in a fish. I looked over the edge of the boat into the water, there was Marlin attached to her pole. The fish was three times my mother's size, so when she continued to reel he pulled her off of the boat into the water. My mother loved the ocean but she couldn't swim. 

My father jumped in after her, He managed to get her out, but he got tangled in the fishing line and the fish pulled him under. My mother was hysterical. We were screaming his name, telling him to come back. After a while we knew he was gone. My mother called for help and when the Coast Guards arrived they tried to arrest her. They thought she was one of those crazy wives who kill their husbands for insurance money. I showed them the tape of our day and they let her go. There was a dive team sent out to find my dad. His body never turned up.

When we got back to Colorado my mother told the pack that their alpha was dead. There are some people out there who still think my father was murdered. My mother ran the pack until I became of age, when I turned eighteen I was officially declared Alpha. I really didn't even want the job, I only did it for my mother. She wants to keep the alpha in our bloodline as a tribute to my father. I love my father but the first chance I get, I'm quitting this job.

"All done honey?" My mom asked returning to my room. I nodded to her and she grabbed the bowl from me. "Do you need anything else?"

"I want to go outside." I said. She gave me a concerned look. "Come on mom! I've been stuck in this house for a week! At least give me sunlight and fresh air." I pleaded.I had been getting around by wheelchair for the last two days. My mother had a ramp installed so I can get down the stairs. 

"Well, alright." She said throwing the cover off of my legs. She unfolded the chair and pulled it to the bed. She slowly and carefully helped me into the chair. She ignored my cries of pain. "I'll give you some pain medicine if you would like." She offered after I was in the chair. 

"You know I hate medicine." I reminded her. She laughed and helped me down the ramp in the hall.

"What don't you hate Roman?" She asked jokingly. I answered her seriously.

"You and my mate." I replied. She smiled down at me.

I'm outside all day. Every time mom tries to make me come in, I beg her to let me stay. I don't want to go back in that house. If I weren't in this damn wheelchair I would go for a run to clear my head. I pulled the phone out of my pocket to call Cody. "Anything?" I asked with a hopeful voice.

"Sorry, bro." He whispered. "I thought we had a lead but it didn't go very far." 

"Damn it!" I yelled. "If you find her, tell her that I love her and I'm sorry." I closed my eyes to try to keep control.

"I'll tell her man." He said and I hung up. Why are they not getting closer to finding her? If I could go looking for her I bet it wouldn't take this damn long. I dialed Dina. 

"Hello?" Dina said answering the phone. 

"Have you heard from Denae?" I growled into the phone.

"Who is this?" She exclaimed. 

"This is Roman, Dina." I said more calmly. There is no point in me yelling at people anymore. It doesn't get me any closer to finding my mate.

"Oh I'm sorry Alpha," She said apologetically. "I didn't recognise your voice." She paused for a minute. "What was the question again? I'm a little distracted."

"Have you heard from my mate?" I asked her in a calm voice.

"No sir," She said quickly. "If I had I would have told Cody."

"Are you sure you Dina? Because you sound a little nervous." I said.

"Yes sir." She said a little more put together. I don't know whether I should believe her, but I'm going to start annoying her as much as I do, Cody until she knows something.

"Call me if you hear from her, please." I said putting on a sad voice. "I'm terrified for her Dina. I need to make up for what I've done."

"I will, Sir." She said sadly. I knew she heard the pain in my voice. My wolf was hurting too. I'd rather him be hurting for her than making death threats against her. I hung the phone up and cried. I cried for hours. I watched the sun go down and I was still crying. Mom couldn't get me in the house until nine. I Want my mate more than I've ever wanted her before.

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