Chapter 15

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I've come to realize that it’s harder to be away from Roman than any bad day we ever had together. I know that I sound naive but he's the father of my child for Christ sake. How can I not want to be with him? He's my mate, my one true love. I can’t say he's perfect or anywhere close to it, but I know somewhere inside the man I knew still lives.

As I progress in my pregnancy, I get more and lonelier as each day passes. Secretly, a part of me wants to go back home. I know I'd be signing my own death certificate but I would just like to see his face one more time. He hasn’t seen me in a while; maybe he's changed since I've been gone.

Cody doesn’t seem to think so. He says that when he speaks with him, he sounds so hateful. I know he's losing trust in Cody. He's supposed to be Roman's right hand man, the number one person he can trust. Instead he's the lying to him and hurting him.

I know it hurts Roman, my wolf tells me so every day. I've asked her numerous times if she knows what’s wrong with me and she completely ignores my questioning. I know she's ignoring me because I can feel her tense up in my head each time. She's supposed to be helping me through this. I feel so alone.

Most women would just reject their mate. I don’t know if what I'm doing is considered rejecting because if I want to be with him; I want us to have a family. That’s what I've always wanted. I always dreamed of having that perfect family with my mate. I want to wake up in the mornings wrapped in his arms. I want to raise my child with him; I want my baby to grow up knowing that both of parents love them more than anything.

"Hey doc!" I mused when I walked into the basement. Today is my two month checkup, for werewolves, this is when we find out what we're having. I'm not really sure what I want but Roman has always wanted a little girl. I smiled at the thought of who our baby may look like. My mom has strong genes, I look almost exactly like her but Roman looks like his mom also.

"Hey Denae!" She said cheerfully. "Ready to see what’s baking in the oven?" She asked as she prepared the sonogram machine. I nodded my head and hopped on the bed covered by sterile white sheets. She lifted my shirt and squirted this thick, cold substance on my stomach. She had me look at the screen as she moved the stick across my belly.

"There's your baby's head," She said pointing to the large mass on the screen. "Oh, there’s the hand!" She gasped. I saw five little fingers on the screen and my heart jerked. My baby, I thought to myself. I felt hot tears run down my face. "And we're having a girl!" She said excitedly. I felt the air leave my lungs.

I'm having a daughter, a beautiful little girl. Words can’t explain how happy I am, I just wish Roman were here to share my excitement. He would be so happy having a daughter to rise. I wrapped things up with doc and rushed off to find Adam. I'll have to call Sashay and give her the news; she's off at some science convention.

"Guess what!" I sang as I walked into Adam's room and flopped down on his bed. He jumped up from the paperwork he has been looking over and jumped on the bed.

"Is it a niece or a nephew? He asked as he strung his fingers through my hair. To most, this little action would make us seem like lovers but Adam is different. He isn’t the man whore Roman was; he's just the perfect best friend for any guy or girl. He's dependable, responsible, sweet, and he knows how to help people.

"Just guess!" I demanded with a laugh. He chuckled and tapped his chin.

"It’s a boy!" He said surely. I already know he's imagining those football games and camping trips. I rolled my eyes at him and made a buzzing noise.

"Wrong!" I shouted. "I hope you’re ready for tea parties and playing dress up, Adam." I teased. His mouth dropped open and his hands shot out to rub my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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