Chapter 14

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(Roman's P.O.V.)

Its been a month since I've seen my mate, an entire fucking month! Cody gives me the same bullshit story he gives every time. I've refrained from calling him as much as usual. He's no help anyway. I've got my own team out looking for her and I'll find her with or without his help. Some beta he is. I should have never given him that position. A Beta is supposed to take over when the Alpha is unable to continue, when an Alpha need him, he is supposed to give him the results he requires.

Cody isn't giving me any results, he's in on this, some way some how. I can feel it. I feel like he's lying to me and the only reason he can get away with it is because I can't look him in the eye. I can't see his body language when he talks. I can't see anything he is doing. Being that he is miles away, he probably finds it easier to lie to me. I'm going to find out though.

I pulled out my phone and called my second best, Garrett. He should have gotten the job. Even though he's younger than Cody, he's a shit load smarter. He can give me better results and he can get better evidence. "Whats up Roman?" He asked answering the phone. I could tell by his voice that he is tired. He's probably been up for hours searching for Denae.

"How is everything?" I asked him curiously. He sighed and I heard him scratch his head.

"Nerve wrecking." He admitted. "Its like the answer is so obvious but we just don't know what it is." I know how that feels. Its like I know exactly where she is but I can't see it or think it. Its like being blind and looking for something. You know where it is, but you just cant find it.

"I hear you." I groaned into the phone. "How is the pack?" I may be a mean person but I still care about my pack. Even if they are afraid of me, I would still protect them if they needed. That's what an Alpha is for.

"Worried." He admitted. "Honestly, Alpha-" He started but hesitated.

"Spit it out Garrett." I said rolling my eyes at him. He sighed and I could tell he really didn't feel comfortable saying what he was thinking. "Now!" I ordered.

"Some of the people in the pack think you killed your mate," He said very quickly being that I order it out of him. "They think you killed her and hid her body and you're just sending everyone on a pointless manhunt!" When he finished he was breathless and I was pissed. "I'm sorry Roman." I held back my emotions.

"DOnt worry about it," I whispered. "Just know your Luna is alive and well- somewhere." He didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Is there another reason you called me today?" He asked. I don't normally call people just to make conversation. If I call you then it means business, nothing else.

"I need you to do something for me." I said. I gave him a moment.

"What is it?" He asked. He sounded like he was ready for anything, tired or not.

"Keep an eye on Cody for me." I said giving him an order. He fell silent for a moment.

"Anything I'm looking for in particular?" He asked.

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