Chapter 11

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It is so sweet of Adam to stay with me. When we got to my room, he was a little skittish. I had climbed into bed and he was standing at the foot looking at the floor. He was twiddling his thumbs, he looked like a preschooler who got didn't get picked to play dodge ball. He stood there for ten agonizing minutes. He didn't look at me once the entire time. 

"What's wrong?" I asked worry in my voice. He looked like he was going to faint. His skin was all clammy and he was pale.

"I've never shared a bed with anyone, let alone a girl." He said laughing nervously. 

 "You don't have to do it." I said trying to show him that I wasn't trying to be forceful.

"No! I want to." He replied. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not the most popular with the women." He looked down at his feet. 

"Why is that?" I asked him. I didn't see why it was so hard for him to find a girl. Even if they weren't serious, he deserved somebody. I'm not saying I'm all for being with someone who isn't your mate, but sometimes you have to take what you can get. Me? I don't think I know what I want. I'm the most confused person in the world right now. I know its only going to get worse as my pregnancy progresses. I'll be having mixed emotions and mood swings pretty soon. Huh, funny. My wolf acts that way already. 

"I'm not the most attractive guy in the world." He whispered. I looked at him absolutely appalled. How could he really believe that? Just because he didn't have girls crawling all over him it doesn't mean he's an ugly person. Adam is very easy on the eyes, if its his scar he's worried about then he's worried for nothing. The scar has a story, not a very funny one, but it adds to his already amazing personality.

"If you're ugly, I'm ugly." I said crossing my arms. "Are you calling me ugly Adam?" I asked jokingly. 

"I guess I am pretty hot if you put it like that." He said joyfully. "I'm nothing compared to you, but-" He said smiling. We laughed together for a few moment then fell silent. I don't want to pressure him into this, I don't want him to feel like I'm taking advantage of him. Surprising the hell out of me, Adam slowly climbed into the bed beside me. I gave him a shy smile, and he returned it. I snuggled myself under the covers, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. His arms felt so good wrapped around me, they weren't Roman's but they will do. 

"Thank you Adam." I whispered. He could have told me to suck it up and to get over, he could have told me to put my feeling in my pocket and keep trucking.he's too nice to say it even if he wanted to. He's only mean when he has to be. I'm sure he would have done it for any girl in my position, unless he had his mate. I hope he finds her soon, He's too good of a guy to be alone.

"You're welcome, Denae." He whispered sleepily. "Now go to sleep." Luckily my wolf was only whimpering sadly instead of howling. I guess Adam brings the both of us some kind of comfort. I smiled to myself and let myself drift off to sleep. 


I knew I was dreaming for two reasons: Roman was being his old sweet self, before the change, and I was at his- our house back in Colorado. I recognized those solid white walls that I had stared at for many hours. For some reason I was extremely happy that I was with him. He was kissing my face sweetly and I swear it felt so real. The sparks felt like they should feel, they made me long for him. Not like when he was being an ass, his touch still felt good, but this felt wonderful.

I felt like I had my mate and he was never the animal my awake self knew he was. I could feel my body heating up for his, my wolf needed him and I needed him too. I couldn't stop anything the dream me was doing, but after a while I didn't want to. He was bringing me such happiness and peace and I felt loved. I could clearly see that I was pregnant, but I looked the same as I do now. 

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