Chapter 8

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Today makes one week since I joined Adam's pack. Everything has been amazing! I've made a lot of new friends and today Dina and Cody are coming to visit. The last time I spoke to Cody about Roman, he had told me that he was still in Nebraska. He had talked to Siri a lot, Roman was hardly ever available. He told me that when he did talk to him he sounded weak, like something was eating away at him. He said that since I 'went missing' he hasn't heard happiness in his voice.

I feel sorry for Roman, not because he is suffering, because now he knows how it feels to be alone. He knows how it feels to not have his mate there with him. I know he's hurting but I hurt for a long time. Maybe he had finally realized that he could have had the perfect life with me. We could be together raising this child as a family. Actually I'm not really worried about the baby having family, I have already chosen Dina and Sashay as the baby's god mothers and Adam and Cody as its god fathers. 

"Denae! Denae! Denae!" I heard a squeaky voice running towards me. I turned towards my bedroom door and was greeted by Bailey, one of the children who live in the pack house. Me and her mother, Andi, have gotten close over the last week. She's been showing me tricks to get rid of the baby induced nausea. She's basically been training me on what it takes to be a mother. I smiled brightly at Bailey and picked her up. Her brown pigtail's flopped around her face as I hoisted her up. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "I missed you!" She mused. 

"I missed you too Bailey." I said tickling her. "Did you and your mommy have fun today?" I asked her. She gasp happily. 

"Oh yes we had so much fun! Mommy took me to the zoo and out to get ice cream!" She said bouncing around in my arms. She was a little more hyper than usual. 

"Really?" I asked pretending to be amazed. "Maybe next time I can go with you and mommy."

"That would be wonderbul!" she said clapping her hands with glee.

"Yes that would be wonderbul, wouldn't it?" I asked as I tickled her again. Shy laughed hysterically and threw her head back.

"I messed up when I gave her the ice cream." Andy said laughing as she walked in my door. She took Baily out of my arms and held her. "Bailey, sweetie, you can't Bounce on Denae's tummy like that." She said. "She has a baby growing in there,you wouldn't want to wake it up would you?" She whispered. Bailey shook her head furiously, and clamped her mouth shut.

"Somebody is getting popular." I heard a familiar, female voice say. I turned to see Cody and Dina standing in the doorway, Adam was standing in the hall behind them. I squealed happily and ran to hug her. "I'm really digging the room girl!" She said when we pulled away. "its so you." She was smiling happily. "And you're actually wearing colors!" She exclaimed. I was wearing a bright green tank top, hot pink shorts, and neon blue socks. I am finally bruise free! I can wear what ever I want! This is the first time in a year that I've actually worn clothes like this.

"It looks like a unicorn shit on you." Cody said laughing. Andi covered Bailey's ears and glared at Cody. 

"Language!" She said through her teeth. Cody looked at the ground.

"Sorry, Andi." He said apologetically. She turned and looked me up and down.

"You know," She said actually noticing my outfit. "He's right." She said laughing. I heard everyone started to laugh with her. I rolled my eyes and turned to Cody. 

We all stood around chatting for a few minutes. "I'm going to put Bailey down for a nap." Andi said. Baily was yawning sleepily, she waved goodbye to me as Andi carried her out the door. Adam closed it behind her and came to sit on the bed.  I sat down next  to him. I looked over the scar on his face, I still couldn't help but wonder how he got it. He must have noticed me staring at it because he turned and looked at me. 

"Cody gave me that scar when we were ten." He said smiling. "Trust me, I'm not some bad-ass who goes around beating people up." He said laughing. I smiled at him shyly. 

"Tell her the story dude!" Cody said chuckling. "It's funny as hell, I swear." I turned to Adam hoping to hear the story I poked my lip out at him and held my hands together like I'm begging.

"Well alright." He said smiling. "We decided we were going to play chicken on our bicycles. We rode toward each other at full speed. Long story short, Cody didn't chicken out and I ended up being thrown off of my bike into the side of the barn. I got cut by a nail sticking out of the wood." I ran my hand down the scar. He smiled lightly. God, he is either really gorgeous or my hormones are just out of whack.

'Dont you dare fall for him.' My wolf growled. Every fucking time I think about another guy she gets started.

'i wasn't planning on it, stupid!' I hissed back.

'If I'm stupid, then you're stupid.' She replied.

'i don't have time for this.'  I said and I blocked her out. "That wasn't a funny story Cody." I said turning to him. 

"It was funny as hell at the time." He laughed.

"So is there any word from Roman?" I asked. I don't know why I want to know how he was, I don't know if it's because I still care a little or if it's because I enjoy his pain. I don't so much as enjoy it, but it feels good to know he's paying for some of the things he has done.

"Nope," he said. "Siri has basically been doing all the talking. It's really odd." 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well every time I talk to her she's crying, I asked her if she was crying about you and she said no. I tried to get her to talk to me but she wouldn't budge. " He said. "I even offered to come to Nebraska but she refused to let me come. When I had mentioned it she panicked. After she calmed herself she ordered me to stay out of Nebraska."

"That is strange." I said looking at Adam. "You don't have any friends in Nebraska who could tell us what is going on?" Something has to be wrong with Roman if Siri was acting like this.

"No," He said. "I'm sorry." I nodded at him. 

"She's got people searching for you everywhere. They can't come here though, not without Roman." Cody added. That's good. Idon't have to worry about being spotted by anyone who knows Roman or Siri. Its perfect, I'm really surprised that I am where I am today. I'm even more surprised that Roman wasn't out looking for me. Maybe he has finally given up and let me go, maybe its just Siri fighting so hard to get me back. 

I wish things could be different, I really do, but things aren't different and they probably never will be. This is the life I'm supposed to have, with these people in this pack. I chose my destiny and I will write my fate, I will no longer let it make decisions for me.

"Come on man, I want to have some fun!" Dina said grabbing my hand. The four of us went out to the horse stable and they helped me feed and brush Patches. 

"She's gorgeous." Dina said giving her the same googly eyed look I had. I laughed and agreed. She turned to Adam. "Where the hell is my damn horse?" She asked crossing her arms. He laughed and messed up her now orange hair. "Damn it Adam!" She yelled. "I'm going to kick your ass!" Dina ran towards Adam and he took off out of the barn. While they ran around chasing each other I figured I would try to find out a little about Adam. 

"Has Adam found his mate yet?" I asked. 

"Nah," He said. "He hasn't found her. He's looked everywhere with no luck." He said shaking his head. I frowned knowing that Adam and Cody were alone. I had a lot of sympathy for them, does that mean I should have pity for myself? I'm mate-less just like they are. I rubbed Cody's arm, He smiled at me but I can tell he forced it. 

"I'm hungry." I said a few minutes later. This baby was like a garbage disposal! My diet has changed so much in the last week. I've gained five pound since I've been here. 

"Let get you fed then." Cody said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the stable. We walked slowly to the house, allowing Dina and Adam to catch up.

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