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Jenna's POV

Louis and I talked for a while, discussing who we were and how we got into music. The oceanic blue in his eyes seemed as though waves were passing through them each time he brought up a band or song that inspired him, and it was a gorgeous sight to watch. He asked about me, and I told him the basics. He knew how much music meant to me when I told him I flew from Oregon just to try out for the X Factor, since no one there took the time anymore, since my job was too much to handle at times, crushing me. I told him of my family, and friends, but all pretty quick. I wanted him to keep talking, watching the ocean turn in his eyes.

"So, do you want to get out of here? I know this place pretty well, so you won't get lost." He spoke, smirking. I nodded my head as I let my cup spin on the table after placing it back down. I pulled my jacket back on as he did the same and gestured to the open area in front of us. I chuckled and walked further as I went to throw away the stirring stick I had used. I drummed my hands on my lap, realizing my phone wasn't in my pocket. I turned quickly, and Louis gave me an odd look.

"What's with the quickness l- Jen?" He asked, blushing.

"My phone isn't-" He held it up, tapping the back of it. I sighed, smiling while taking the phone.

"Thank you." I said as we stepped outside back into the strangely beautiful weather.

Louis' POV

I watched as her eyes lit up with the thought of an adventure. I had never seen chocolate eyes with such crazy amounts of different shades. I didn't understand their complexity.

Then again, we had just met.

We walked around as I showed her little shops, popping in and out of them. I laughed as her boots caught odd edges of uneven sidewalks and she tried to cover the mishaps. She shot me a look before laughing along. God, what a beautiful laugh.

We had gone into a jewelry shop, and she found a skull ring with black opals in the eyes. She chewed her cheek, walking away from it after checking her phone. We walked out, a soft gust if wind blew her curls gently, captivating her beauty.

"I need to go." She said, looking down the street. She had told me where she was staying before, and the hotel was just down the street.

"At least let me walk you." I smiled, stepping closer to her while smiling.

Easy there, Lou, I thought.

She grinned and agreed. We walked as the wind grew stronger. I rode up the elevator with her, and walked her to her room, making sure she was safe. Never ever had I done this, but I felt the need to protect her and make sure she was safe. After saying goodbye, I began walking with a giant smile.

"Louis wait!" I heard. I turned, walking back to Jenna leaning on the wall just in her room.

"I never got your number." She smiled, blushing hard. I chuckled, Jenna looking up at me. I want to get lost in those eyes, I thought.

"It's already in there," I whispered, leaning in to press my lips to her forehead. We stayed like that for a minute after I pulled away, my nose against the top of her head. She sighed, smirking up at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful." I said, leaning off of the doorframe.

"Goodnight." She smiled.

"Goodnight." I grinned. She closed her door as I walked down the hall.

I returned back to the small shop, picking out the ring and paying for it to give to her at some point. It began to rain, and I didn't care. This day was perfect. I can't believe I met her.

Don't let her go Tommo, I smirked to myself.

You're My Wholeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن