Dream Loverboy

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Louis' POV

I woke up startled, shooting up in bed. I snapped my head around, trying to see in the dark room. Jenna was still next to me, fast asleep. I shook my head, trying to figure out what woke me up and scared me. I reached over to my nightstand, grabbing my phone. It was 3:27, too early for me to be awake. I lay back down, pressing my face into Jenna's hair and closing my eyes, trying to sleep. I was awake for another hour, but couldn't sleep. I sighed, carefully stepping on to the floor. I leaned over, kissing Jenna's cheek before walking out of my room and down to the bottom floor. I pulled the sliding glass door carefully, shutting it before sitting down on the porch swing. I rocked back and forth, thinking over the past few days. It was rather amazing how much Jenna and I were so close so fast. I didn't mind the pace, I rather loved every moment I got to spend with her.

We were walking down the beach, somewhere I thought I remembered as Seaside in Oregon. It was sunny and warm, which was rare-ish. I lifted her up, spinning her into the waves. She smacked my shoulders, kissing me as I let her back down. I held her hand as we walked back to the sand. I stopped her as we walked, leaning down and pulling out a ring. She smiled, agreeing and laughing as I spun her again.

We played music loudly, chasing each other around the house. I pulled her back to me by her hips, kissing the side of her face as I pushed her on to the couch playfully. She stared up at me, and I noticed the ring I had gave her did not shine as bright as her eyes.

Our kids jumped on the trampoline with their mum, giggling and laughing as she bounced next to them, playing Crack the Egg. I ran out, sliding through the opening and jumping with them, holding their hands as we gained more height. We eventually got off, the kids staying back and doing "tricks" as Jenna snickered, taking pictures of them. I grinned at my wife. I walked back over, kissing her lips. A chorus of eww's came from the two kids, making us laugh before I jumped back on, tackling them down with me as I heard the camera go off again. The kids went to bed, and music played softly. I grabbed Jenna's hand, helping her off the couch and spinning her into my arms as we danced in the living room. She blushed as I dipped her, staring into the eyes I loved since the day I met her. A whisper came from the hallway.

"Get back to bed!" I said, laughing. A soft padding of feet was in the air before doors. I looked back at Jenna. She had a smile on her face. I dipped her again, pressing my lips to hers. This is what I've always wanted.

"Louis," Jenna said, gently shaking my shoulder. I blinked, my eyes focusing on the beautiful woman next to me. I smiled. I pulled her by her shoulders next to me.

"Lou, what are you doing out here? The sun isn't even up." She questioned, looking up at me. I looked down into her chocolate eyes, seeing my dream again.

"Nothing, love." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. She stood up, standing in front of me and holding out her hands.

"Let's go back to bed." She said sleepily, holding my colder hands. I pulled myself up, my arm around her waist as we walked back inside. She had to guide me up the stairs and back into bed, laying me down. She lay down, pulling the blanket up to us, snuggling into me. I moved my hand to the small of her back, kissing her lips again.

"You're cold, Lou." She stated, coming closer to me. I held her tighter, kissing her again.

"We'll be warm, honey." I whispered.

"Alright. Goodnight Louis." She said, pressing her head further into the pillow.

"Goodnight Jenna." I whispered, kissing her once more before falling back asleep peacefully.

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