Morning Pillow Talk

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Louis' POV

I woke up with a headache. It wasn't terrible at all, just inconvenient. I rolled my head over, seeing that Jenna had found one of my blue v-necks, molded to my side and breathing in and out peacefully, as if nothing had ever bothered her. She was quite peaceful when she slept, and I thought that at least she got that restful time away from her stressful life. I frowned as I thought of some of the things she had told me, thinking of how she never deserved any of it. Since the late night confession from the previous night, I had vowed to try to never let her feel like that again, even if it meant driving myself insane.

I hummed lightly, rubbing circles in her back with my thumb as she slept. She woke up, blinking her eyes multiple times, trying to make them focus. Her eyes landed on me, smiling a tired smile.

"Good morning love." I grinned, kissing her forehead. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room. I watched as she remembered the previous night.

"I was not as drunk as you last night, but I have no clue how we got here." She said, turning around, blushing a little. My eyes widened, making her laugh.

"Just making sure." She giggled. I threw a pillow at her softly. She picked it up, tossing herself on top of me and smashing it against my face. I snickered, tossing it to the side as she leaned down, laughing. Our eyes locked, my hand moving to the back of her neck as she leaned down, our lips dancing together as if we had done this a billion times before. I pulled away, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. She stayed there, studying me.

"Jenna, would you please be my girlfriend?" I asked, blushing. She giggled, blushing herself as she tried hiding it with her hair.

"Of course Lou." She smiled, and she killed my heart in the most simple way. Saying my name, or even using a small amount of muscles to smile at me sent me flying, grinning as if I had never had anything good happen to me. The thought was somewhat true.

I had never had anyone as good as her to call mine.

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