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Louis' POV

I woke up the next morning, taking a quick shower and drying off, changing into a black running shirt and some shorts. I ran my hand through my hair, messing it up until I was pleased with how it looked. I threw on some shoes and my phone in my pocket, jogging out of my room, excited to go see Jenna.

We'd talked last night after I arrived back at my house, which to I was a bit surprised. I thought I had completely missed that, but for whatever reason, she had agreed to going on a picnic with me. Or more of a hike. Either way, I was delighted that she had agreed. I got to the hotel she was staying at, and hopped out quickly. Walking the rest of the way to her room, I sighed. I took a deep breath and tapped her door loud enough for her to hear. She opened it a moment later, shocking me with how little effort she had to put in to look like a goddess.

It was a simple Under Armor shirt, matching spanks and shoes. Her hair was up in a ponytail, purposeful flyaways framing her face. A simple coat of mascara and small winged eyeliner completed her look, all together not holding my attention like her smile.

"Good morning gorgeous," I stated, feeling nervous.

"Hello," she smiled. "Will you tell me why I had to dress like this?" She asked.

"You'll see in a half hour." I grinned, holding out my hand as she closed the door. She rolled her gorgeous brown eyes as she accepted my hand, walking with me down the quiet hall. We walked back out to my car, buckling in after I opened her door and let her pick the music as I drove. In a short half hour, we were out of the city and into the outdoors, beautiful stretches of land in front of us. I parked in the area I always parked in when I came here, stretching as I got out. I shut my door and turned to see Jenna doing the same.

"I thought you said we were going on a picnic?" She questioned, following me to the trunk. I popped it open, grabbing a large blanket and a few bags.

"We are," I answered. "We just have to hike a bit."

She smiled, her eyes lighting up. I put everything on one arm, leaving one free hand to help guide Jenna up the path I regularly climbed.

"Louis, slow down!" She yelled a few times, laughing. "Some of us clearly haven't done this before."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes at her annoyance.

"We're almost there, love." I say as she caught up to my side. I was worried about what I called her, but realized when I saw her cheeks flushed in a shade of pink and a smile she was trying to contain, I relaxed.

I stood at the top of a flat area, laying out the blanket. I tossed Jenna a water, sitting down as I pulled everything else out. She smiled a thank you and sat next to me.

"Look out that way." I said as I pulled the last of the food out, gesturing with my head. The sun had begun to set over the city, but we were far enough out that we couldn't hear anything. I smiled as I watched her try to study everything.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked, laughing. I shook my head as my cheeks burned red.

"Nothing." I smirked. We ate the food I had brought, talking about our families a bit more, and really anything. We grew quiet, Jenna looking out to the city.

"I have to go back soon," She said, brushing her legs to get dirt off.

"Do you have to?" I questioned. I wasn't ready to not spend days with her anymore. I barely knew her. I wanted to learn everything, even the things she would dismiss as stupid or dumb. She smiled sadly at me, nodding her head. I turned away, taking another drink. I shook my head.

"Why? Maybe you can stay a few more days." I tried. She thought about it.

"I need to get home." She stated, more to herself. I nodded.

"Well, if you're going to deprive me of seeing you," I said, getting something out of the bag.

"Then you're taking this." I smiled, handing her the ring. She stared at it as I placed it in her hand. I couldn't tell exactly what she was feeling, so I decided to wait for her reaction and busy myself by tying my shoe. I looked at her, and our eyes caught.

She leaned in to kiss my cheek, a soft peck that sent me blushing. Before she got too far, I held her jaw in my hand and turned her back to me, kissing her lips gently. She stayed there, so I assumed I had made the right move. We pulled away, simply smiling at each other. I hopped up, holding out my hand to help her up.

"Let's get going then."

We packed up and drove back, singing loudly to whatever Jenna played. I stopped at a well known ice cream shop and we had ice cream before I dropped her off at the hotel. We said goodnight, and I headed home. How was I supposed to be fine with being hours away from her? I took another shower when I got home, throwing myself into bed with the thought of Jenna staying and what we could be.

I woke up the next day to a small knock on my door, thinking it was one of the boys. I pushed myself up, answering the door.

Jenna stood there, smirking at my reaction. I grinned, not saying anything.

"I can stay a bit longer." She grinned, and I caught her in my arms.

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