Prim's Games-Chapter one

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This is my first story on Wattpad. It's about Prim being in the Games. Don't hate if it's bad!! Leave advice in the comments and tell me if I should continue! Hope u like it!!


I wake up screaming from my nightmare, which was about me in the Hunger Games, and a girl was coming at me with a knife. The Hunger Games is an annual thing, where children from each district, ages 12-18, are reaped every year to go fight to the death in an arena created by the Capitol. The reason why we have this is because of the Dark Days, which is when District 13 rebelled against the districts, but the Capitol won,and to remind the districts of what happened, we have the Hunger Games. District 13 is now abolished.

My older sister, Katniss, comes rushing into my room. "Prim, are you okay?"

"Just another nightmare," I mumble.

"Prim, trust me, they're not gonna pick you. You're one slip in thousands of names. Now go to sleep."

"Can you sing to me?"

"Fine." She starts to hum a lullaby, and I finally fall asleep.

I wake up that morning to find a light green skirt and a white blouse on the chair next to my bed. Katniss's old reaping clothes. I feel nervous again, but get dressed anyways. My mother walks into the room to braid my hair. I watch her delicate fingers in the mirror as they fix up my long, blond hair, and I stare into her eyes, which are blue, just like mine.I think of Katniss, who went to who-knows-where. She is the only one that sticks out in our family, with her Seam grey eyes and dark brown hair.The Seam is where we live in District 12, which is a coal-mining district. My father, who Katniss looks like, died in the coal mines when I was seven.

My mother stares back at me. "Are you nervous?"

"Very." I reply

She gives me a hug. "It'll be alright."

A few hours later, Katniss walks into the room, wearing a blue dress that I'm guessing is my mothers, and her hair is braided into a bun. She's wearing simple black flats, just like me.

"I wish I looked like you." I say, staring at her wide-eyed.

"No, I wish I looked like you. But you should tuck in your tail, Little Duck."

"Quack!" I giggle.

She giggles back. Then, all of a sudden,the bells ring, signaling that the Reaping is starting. I start to tense up. We walk into the square, and a Peacekeeper lady snatches my finger and shoves a needle into it. Ouch. I walk over to the 12
year old section of the square and listen to the boring video about the Dark Days.

Then, Effie Trinket, from the Capitol, walks up to the stage, and in her silly little accent, she says, "Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor! Ladies first!!!"

I feel like throwing up when she walks back to the microphone and unfolds the slip of paper.

"Primrose Everdeen!"

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