Chapter six

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I wake up to Effie yelling, "Come on! Wake up! It's going to be a big, big, day today!"

I moan. "Okay!"

I quickly take a shower and when I walk back into the bedroom, I find a black and red outfit on my bed. I put it on and braid my hair, and then walk downstairs. I take a seat and see Peeta coming in the room.

He smiles at me. "Good morning."

"Hi." I smile back.

Haymitch comes in the room and sits across from us. "Remember what I told you to do for your training. Do not show off. Got it?"

We nod our heads. I start eating my breakfast. The Capitol has something called hot chocolate, and I slowly take a sip. It's delicious. I notice Peeta dipping his roll into his hot chocolate.

"Try it. It's good." He grins.

"Um, okay." I dip a roll into my hot chocolate and it's surprisingly delicious.

I look over at the clock and see that it's 9:45.

"Come on! Let's go to your training!" Says Effie.

We get up from the table and travel down the elevator. When we arrive at the gym, almost everyone is already there. The head trainer, Atala, explains all of the different stations and rules. Then she sends us off to do our own thing. I head over to the archery station and try to shoot an arrow, but since I've never been good at archery, I miss the target and hit the top of the board. I hear someone snickering and turn around to see the careers laughing at me. With anger building up inside of me,I head over to the knife station and frustratingly throw a knife. It hits the target, and I hear the careers quiet down. I smile at them and walk over to the knot tying station. I see a girl about my age sitting next to me.

"Hi." I say softly. "I'm Prim."

She looks up at me in surprise. "I'm Rue."

"You're from District 11, right?" I ask.

"Yup. And you're from 12?"


"So....want to be allies?" I ask after a moment of awkward silence.

She smiles brightly. "Of course."

"My District partner might want to join us, though." I say.

"That's fine." She replies.

We spent the rest of the day together, going to all the different stations. I find out that Rue is good with knowing which plants are edible and can jump from tree to tree.

At the end of training, we give each other a hug. "See you tomorrow." I whisper.


I head back to our room with Peeta. The elevator is silent until Peeta says "So, I saw you with Rue."

"Yeah. We're gonna be allies. You can join us if you want." I answer.

"I might join you guys." He says.

The elevator opens up and Effie greets us with a hug. "Go wash up for dinner!" She chirps.

I go to my room and change out of my suit. I put on a blue skirt with a white shirt and leave my hair down. I walk to the dining room and find Peeta sitting across from Effie. I sit next to him, like always, and Haymitch comes over and takes a seat. We eat soup, pasta, and bread sticks. I accidentally spill my soup all over my shirt and screech. The hot soup seeps into my clothes.

"Oh dear!" Effie exclaims. "Get her some napkins!" She tells the avoxes.

An avox hands me some napkins and I quickly wipe up the soppy mess. "May I be excused? I've lost my appetite." I tell Effie.

"Of course, dear." She says.

I run to my room and hop into the shower. I sob as the steaming water pours over me. That soup hurt when it spilled. A lot. I decide that I'm not going to eat soup anymore. Then I think, I'm so clumsy, what if I fall in the Hunger Games when I'm running? Or step off my plate too early? I decide to let of the thought and I step out on the mat. I then put on a robe and step into my room. My suit isn't there anymore. I think an avox took it. I put on a black nightgown with white socks and leave my hair down. Then I climb into bed.
After hours of tossing and turning, I decide that I'm not going to sleep. I slip out of bed and walk around the halls. I notice a ladder and start climbing it, only to find a door. I open it and a fresh breeze of air hits me in the face. I climb out of the door and find Peeta sitting down and looking at the city.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asks.

"Yup." I sigh. I sit down next to him and start to shiver.

"You cold?" Peeta hands me his oversized jacket.

"Thanks." I smile.

I lean against him and he wraps his arms around me. "Prim, you're like the sister I never had."

"Well, you're like the brother I never had." I giggle.

Than I shiver again. He smiles. "Let's get you back inside."

"Okay." I reply.

He lets me get down the ladder first.

Once he gets down, I hand him his jacket. "Thanks for the jacket." I say.

"No problem." He replies.

I give him a hug. "Goodnight." I whisper.

He kisses me on the forehead. "Goodnight, Prim."

I watch him disappear into his room and make my way back to my own room. This time, I have no trouble falling asleep. But before I drift off, I keep thinking about what would happen if it came down to Peeta and I. Would he kill me? He doesn't act like he wants to kill me. He treats me like a sister. I try to ignore these thoughts as I fall into a deep, deep sleep.


I want to dedicate this chapter to @AllieHelms0 because she's been very supportive and was the first person to read my story. 😘 wuv u Allie😘

Anywayssssss hope you liked this chapter. Remember to leave advice or ideas in the comments! Byeeee

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