Chapter seven

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I spend the next two days practicing my skills with Rue in the gym. I keep practicing with a knife and find that I'm actually pretty good with it. Also, with Rue's help, I learn which plants are edible. I decide to help her with healing and try to show her how to use a knife, which she is pretty good at.

On the day of our private training sessions, I pace around in my room, worried about what my score will be. Then Effie calls me so we can go. I squeeze Peeta's hand as we travel down the elevator. Peeta and I wait for almost 2 hours while everyone else gets called.

When Peeta's name is called, I whisper, "Good luck."

He smiles. "You too."

I wait for half an hour until I'm called. I wipe my hands on my pants and make my way into the room. I hear the game makers talking to each other, not paying attention to me. Anger fills inside of me. I snatch a knife from a rack and throw it at a target in anger. It hits the target with a deadly thud. The game makers fall silent. I smirk to myself and head over to the healing station, where I fix up a fake dummy.

Then, a game maker says, "You are excused, Miss. Everdeen."

I walk out of the gym and run to the elevator. Once it lands on my floor, I walk into the room to find everyone looking at the television in the living room.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We're waiting to see the scores." Haymitch replies.

"The scores will be announced after dinner." Says Effie. "Let's go eat."

We sit down at the dinner table, and I avoid the soup. (A/N 😂😂😂) Instead, I eat macaroni and cheese with garlic breadsticks. After we finish dinner, everyone goes back to the living room and stares at the television, waiting.

Then, the annoucer, Caesar Flickerman, starts to announce the scores. The careers got 10's and 9's, and I don't pay attention to the rest of the tributes except for Rue. She got a 7. I wonder what she did. Then, Peeta's score flashes on the screen. He got a 9!

"Good job!" I give him a hug.

Then my score flashes. I got an 8! I stare at the screen. "Woah! That's a good score!" Peeta grins.

"Thanks!" I grin back.

"Tomorrow, Effie and I will train you for your interviews. Got it?" Says Haymitch.

We nod.

"Now, go to bed. You've got a busy day tomorrow!" Says Effie.

I head up to my room and take a quick shower. Then I braid my hair and put on a purple nightgown. I climb into bed, but just like last night, I can't sleep. I head up to the roof again and bring a brown wool blanket with me. I find Peeta sitting there again.

"I couldn't sleep again." I laugh.

He laughs back. "Me neither."

I lean against him like yesterday and for a few minutes we just sit there.

Then I break the silence. "What was your life like in District 12?"

"Well, it was okay. We weren't very poor, and we couldn't afford much, but we got by. What about you?"

"Well, my father died when I was seven because of that coal mine accident. We were already poor then, but it was worse when my father died because my mother just stared into blank space for a long time. Katniss always had to provide for us. But I remember a few years ago, Katniss came home with two loaves of bread. It was the best thing we had in a while." I sighed, remembering the savory flavor of the warm bread.

"I gave her that bread." He says quietly.


"Well, it was rainy outside, and I saw her digging through our trashcans. Then, my mother came out and yelled at her to go away. I felt bad for Katniss, so I burnt some of the bread on purpose so I had an excuse to give it to her. My mother yelled at me and hit me, but I didn't care. Then I walked outside and threw her some bread, and that was it."

I give him a hug. "Thank you!"

"Your welcome." He replies.

We sit on the roof in silence and I continue to lean against Peeta. Then I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.


I'm sorry this chapter was short! I didn't know what to put in it! I'll try to make the next one longer! Remember to leave advice or ideas in the comments! And please vote for my story!

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