Chapter two

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Glad you liked the last chapter! I'm not able to post every single day because of school and stuff but I will try! I'm pretty sure I can post on the weekends most of the time though! Hope you like this chapter!


What did she say? I'm confused until I see that the people around me have made a path for me to the stage, and Effie is looking at me expectantly. Oh no. Why me? I slowly make my way to the stage. I try to hide my tears, but one tear escapes and makes its way down my cheek. I look for Katniss in the crowd, and she's staring into space. By the time Effie moves onto the boys, Katniss's shock changes to anger and she opens her mouth to say something, but it's too late.

"Peeta Mellark!" Effie announces. I know him. He's the baker boy. But he's nice to me! I don't want to kill him! My stomach churns.

"Let's welcome our tributes for the 74th Hunger Games!" No one claps. As usual.

Peeta and I shake hands, and we go to the train station to say goodbye to our families. I sit in a fancy room with beautiful couches. I feel the soft velvet.

Katniss and my mother come rushing into the room. "Prim! I should've volunteered or something!" Katniss cries.

"It's ok, Katniss. I wouldn't want you in the Games. I'll try to win. For you." I reply, surprisingly calm.

My mother just hugs me and strokes my hair.

"Prim. You have to win. Take this pin." Katniss hands me a gold mockingjay pin with an arrow going through it.

"I love you guys." I give them a hug, tears starting to stream down my face. Then, the peacekeepers come in and take them away.

I bury my face into a pillow. Then another peacekeeper comes in to take me to the train. I walk into the train and sit in one of the booths. I look out the window, watching District 12, my only home, fading away.


Hope you liked this! Sorry it was really short! I wasn't exactly sure what to put in it. Anyways leave advice in the comments and tell me if you like it!!! Seeya later!!!

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