Chapter three

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I finally get up from my seat to go sit with everyone else. "Um, hello." I say softly. Everyone looks up at me in surprise, except for Haymitch, our drunk victor and our only mentor.

"Well, well, well. I see the little girl hasn't started crying yet." He bursts out laughing.

Peeta stares at him. "Haymitch!" Effie exclaims.

I run away from the table and find myself in a hallway with lots of rooms. I pick out a random one and lock the door. It's a simple bedroom, but huge! I don't pay attention to the details ad run to the bed and sob. I want to go home. I shouldn't have been picked. I never did anything wrong. It's not fair. I feel like screaming, but that would cause a disruption. I eventually fall unconscious after hours of crying, and I wake up to Effie knocking on my door.

"Dinner! I understand if you don't want to come out, though!" Calls Effie.

"Coming!" I sniffle.

I quickly look around for something to wear and find a long sky blue blouse that reaches down to my thighs. Then I pick out black leggings and white boots. After 10 minutes of debating with myself, I decide to undo my beautiful, delicate braids that my mother so carefully arranged. I brush out my wavy hair and head downstairs to eat dinner.

When I arrive at the dining room, I'm relieved to find that Haymitch isn't there. Peeta smiles sympathetically at me and I take a seat next to him.

"Where's Haymitch?" I ask.

"He's in his room, taking a nap." Peeta replies. I nod my head.

Suddenly, I see our dinner being rolled in on carts. Pale waiters and waitresses hand me my plate, and I thank them. They just nod their heads. Can't they talk? I wonder. I look down at my plate, which is covered with food that I've never had before that looks so delicious, and I just want to stuff it all in my face. I start out with some chicken soup, and then move on to eating my chicken and rice. I notice the fruit salad, too. I haven't had many types of fruit before. I've only had strawberries, apples, and oranges, but most of the time I eat strawberries, because it's usually the only type of fruit that Katniss finds.
When we finish our dinner, dessert is rolled out. The closest thing I've had to dessert is an orange, which was 6 years ago, before my father died. I notice a chocolate cake on one of the carts. Chocolate cake! I've never had that before, but in District 12 I always dragged Katniss to the bakery after school to look at the cakes in the windows, even though we could never afford them. On the other carts, there was ice cream and cheesecake. A waiter silently handed me a piece of cake, and I savored the flavor in my mouth. I surprisingly finished it quickly, and I'm usually not one to eat fast.

"May I be excused?" I ask Effie.

"Actually, Haymitch wants to talk to you." Effie gestures to Haymitch walking into the room. I tense up.

"Listen, girl, I'm sorry I offended you earlier today. We just haven't had a victor in a long time, and almost every District 12 tribute dies." Says Haymitch.

"It would be nice of you to give us useful advice, you know." I reply.

"Okay, well, let's have a quick chat right now. " He sits down across from me. "So, what are you good at Primrose?" He asks.

"Well, back in District 12, I helped my mother with her apothecary business." I say.

"What else?" He asks.

"That's it, really." I say sadly. "I don't like hurting people or animals, I like to heal them."

"We'll find out what you're good at during training. Okay, what about you, Peeta?" I had almost forgotten that Peeta was next to me.

"I can lift heavy things, and I'm good at painting and baking, though that's not gonna help." He says.

"Actually, painting can help you camouflage yourself." Haymitch replies. "Now, you guys need to get some rest, you'll be arriving in the Capitol tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight, Primrose." Peeta says.

"Call me Prim." I say as I walk toward my room.

He smiles at me kindly. "Okay!"

When I get back to my room, I decide to explore it. There's a huge tv, a big dresser, my own bathroom, and a huge screen where you can change the scenery. I walk into the bathroom and look at the shower. I've never taken a shower before; in District 12 we take baths. Also, I had to share a bathroom with Katniss. And a bedroom. But I liked the comfort of her next to me, so that if I had nightmares, she would calm me down.
I take off my clothes and step into the shower. I accidentally press the wrong button and cold water sputters out. I yelp and immediately turn off the water. I turn it back on and press a different button, this time with warm water. I wash the grime from my hair and body, and step out onto the mat. I feel air drying me automatically from the ceiling. I pull on a robe and walk into my room. After half an hour of looking through the dresser, I find a sky blue nightgown and slip it on. I love the color blue. It reminds me of the sky, and my mother says that it brings out my eyes.
I check the clock on the wall and realize that it's only 8:30. I put my hair in two braids, but they're nothing like the ones that my mother made. I watch tv for the next hour, and then I get bored and look for something to read. I find a book about some heroic girl that survives an earthquake. I have no idea what an earthquake is. We never get them. I get sleepy around 10:00 and lay down in the bed that's way too big for me. I barely take up any space. I miss Katniss, I think. How am I going to win this? I'll probably die within the first minute. I don't have any experience, and I can barely hold a knife without bursting into tears, for I hate violence. I silently cry myself to sleep, thinking about how I'm going to die within a week.


Hi!!! Sorry this chapter was kinda boring! I'm trying to make the chapters longer, and sometimes I can't think of any ideas and just make it up as I go. Remember to leave advice or ideas in the comments!
Seeya next time!

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