Chapter 12

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When I wake up, sunlight is streaming in through the crack of the cave. I notice that Rue has dozed off. I decide to leave her alone and check on Peeta, who is still sleeping. His head isn't very warm anymore, thankfully. Next, I check on his arm. It's still red, so I put some more ointment on it and change the bandage. Then I wake up Rue.

"Rue. Let's eat breakfast." I whisper.

She yawns. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah." I laugh.


"It's okay. I fell asleep a little too."

Afterwards, I wake up Peeta, who says that he feels better. I give him another fever pill and then we eat a small breakfast, which consists of a little meat and dried fruit. Then we hear a cannon and some voices. My eyes widen.

"Maybe they're here!" I hear a male voice.

"There isn't anything over there, you dummy!" Another male voice, this time deep.

"Come on, let's go look somewhere else." A high pitched female voice.

We wait for about ten minutes until we're sure that the kids are gone.

"Were those careers?" I whisper, still unsure if they've left.

"I'm pretty sure they were." Peeta replies.

"Why don't we go hunting in a little bit, because I think we're running out of meat." Says Rue.

"Okay. And we should probably get some fruit too, if we can find it." I reply.

Awe hours later, we go hunting for meat and food.

"I'm going to go see if those bushes have any berries." Says Rue.

"Okay. Be careful." I say.

A few minutes later, Peeta and I hear a scream.

"Prim! Peeta!" It's Rue's voice.

"Rue!" I yell.

Peeta and I run towards the sound. Then we see a tall boy who has speared Rue in the stomach and is holding her by the arm, as if she was a feather. Then, before I can react, he throws a spear at my arm. I scream out in pain and throw my knife at him. It hits him in his chest. He drops to the ground, dead. A cannon goes off. I rip the spear out of my arm, which hurts even more. But I could care less. I run over to Rue. The spear buried itself deep into her stomach. I look in my medical kit but there isn't anything I can do.

"I'm so sorry. " I whisper as tears run down my face.

"It's not your fault. I was going to die anyways." Rue says in a barely audible voice.

"But you had a chance."

"No I didn't." She says.

"But you're my friend." More tears.

"You're my friend too." She smiles.

Then I notice that her chest has stopped moving and her eyes have closed.

"Rue! No!" I hear a cannon.

I start to wail.

"Prim. Come on." Peeta says softly.

I look at Rue one last time. "I will never forget you."

Then I walk away.

After a while, I realize something. "Peeta. I killed someone." Tears start streaming down my face again.

"It's okay. It would've had to happen anyways."

I stop in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks.

I see three careers in front of me. They're smiling at me viciously. I shut my eyes and throw a knife at someone before they even try to do something. Then I hear a cannon.

"I didn't know a such small girl could kill." Says a female voice.

I open my eyes and see a girl with black hair. She looks about fifteen years old.

Then I see a tall, muscular boy that is towering over me. I tense up. Then, before I can react, Peeta hits the boy with his knife.

My eyes widen as the cannon goes off. "Peeta, run!" I yell. He runs off into the woods.

The girl tries to throw a knife at him but I block it with my body and it hits my thigh. I scream out in pain. She tackles me to the ground.

"So. You've proved yourself. Too bad you're going to die." She hisses in my face. I spit at her.

"Ugh!" Then she slashes the knife across my forehead.

I bite my cheeks to keep from screaming. I will not let her win this.

I realize that my knife is a few feet away from me. Then, without her looking, I grab it and try to stab her. But then she snatches it and throws it out of my reach.

"Ha! I'm going to kill you, just like we killed Rue." I clench my teeth as she continues. "I don't believe for a second that you would-" She's interrupted when someone lifts her off the ground.

The boy from District Eleven.

"You killed Rue?" He yells.

"No! That was the boy from District one!" She yells back.

He throws her on the ground. The girl moans.

"But you said you killed her!"

He picks her up and throws her on the ground again.

The girl screams. Then I hear a crack.

A cannon goes off.

"Who are you?" The boy asks.

"I-I-I'm P-P-Prim. I was Rue's ally and friend." I say shakily.

"I'll let you go. But only because you remind me of her. Just this one time!" He says.

"T-thank you."

He runs off with the career's stuff.

I stay on the ground for a moment, processing what just happened. Then Peeta emerges from the trees.

"Oh my god! Prim!" He helps up and gives me a hug.

Blood is all over my face, I have a big headache, my arm and my leg feel like they're on fire, and I'm starting to see black spots in my vision.

"Peeta, I don't feel so good."

Then I black out.


Hehehe! Cliff hanger! I hope you liked this chapter! I tried to put in some action for you. Remember to vote and comment your ideas/opinions on this chapter!

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