Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning feeling anxious. Today is the day of The Hunger Games, where my nightmares come true. I already find an outfit on my bed after I step out of the shower; it includes some brown pants, brown boots, a green shirt, and a black jacket. I get dressed and tie my hair in a high ponytail. I also put my mockingjay pin on my shirt, to remind me of Katniss. Then I walk to the dining room. Effie, Peeta, and Haymitch are already there. I notice that Peeta is wearing an identical outfit.

I sigh. "Good morning."

"Good morning, dear." Says Effie.

I take a seat at the table and don't have much of an appetite. I eat anyways though, because I could starve to death for all we know. I also drink plenty of water too, because I could also dehydrate. After we finish breakfast, Cinna and Peeta's stylist, Portia, walk in.

"It's time to go." Says Cinna.

I tense up.

"It's ok." Peeta whispers.

"Well, I guess this is it. Good luck to you both." Haymitch says.

I run up to him and hug him tightly. "Goodbye. And thank you for everything." I whisper.

He smiles at me sadly.

Then I hug Effie. "Bye Effie. Thank you." I say.

Then I walk into the elevator with Cinna, Portia, and Peeta, watching Haymitch and Effie disappear.


We walk to the hovercraft and sit down in a booth. I drink plenty of water so that I don't dehydrate. An hour later we arrive at the launch station were we'll be lifted up into the arena. Peeta and Portia walk into a different room than us.

As I walk into the room, I glance at the tube. The tube where I'll be lifted into a deadly arena. I sit down on a bench next to Cinna and start to tear up.

"It's ok. I believe in you." Says Cinna.

"R-r-really?" I sniffle.

"Yes." Then he lowers his voice. "You don't deserve this. No one does. I don't like it. If I could, I would switch places with you so you won't have to deal with this."

I smile. "But you don't deserve to die."

Just as Cinna's about say something, a women's voice comes on. "2 minutes till launching."

I gasp.

"Hey hey hey. It's ok. I'm here for you." Cinna says soothingly.

I wrap my arms around him. "Thank you."

Then I step into the tube. "5 seconds till launching." The voice says.

Then the glass separates me from Cinna.

My eyes widen. 'Shhhh.' Cinna mouths.

I nod.

Suddenly, I feel myself being lifted into the arena. I hold my head up high and glance around at the other tributes. The careers are planning what to get from the cornucopia. I glance at it too, and something catches my eye. Two backpacks, one red and another blue. The red one looks like it contains a medical kit. I need that bag. Healing is my talent. And it's right in front of me! The other backpack is also right in front of me; it looks like it contains weapons or maybe some food.

I've already formulated my plan when the announcer starts counting down. "5...4...3...2...1. Let the 74th Hunger Games begin!!!"

I begin to run as fast as I can for the two backpacks.


Hope you liked it! And yes, I know it was super short. Sorry! 😁 I'll try to update as soon as I can; just don't rush me because I have a life! Remember to leave ideas and advice in the comments! And vote for my story!

Oh! And thanks for 157 reads! That's a lot! Because of that, I'll try to make the next chapter extra long!

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