Chapter four

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I wake up to a knocking sound. "Breakfast!" Effie yells.

"Okay!" I yell back.

I start getting ready for the day by taking a long shower, this time without the cold water, thankfully. I look around for something to wear and pick out a yellow sundress with beige sandals. I suddenly remember my pin that Katniss gave me and attach it to my dress. Then I brush my hair and head downstairs to the dining room.

I find everyone already sitting at the table, again. I must be a slow person. I sit down across from Peeta and Haymitch and start eating. I have eggs, fruit, and toast.

"Today you'll be arriving in the Capitol!" Effie exclaims.

"What's it like?" I ask.

"Oh, you'll see!" She squeals.

A few hours later, the train stops in a place that looks like a rainbow exploded.

"Umm, Effie, where are we?" I ask.

"We're in the Capitol, of course!" She answers.

Peeta and I wave to the people that are screaming hysterically. Then, the train doors open up and we step outside.

"Come on, let's go!" Effie ushers us out the door.

We step into a blue building with tables set up. Three Capitol people come rushing towards me.

"Well, hello!" A plump woman chirps.

I just stare at them.

"Come on!" They force me to put on a blue dress thing and lay me down on a table. I notice the curtains on either side of the table, probably separating me from the other tributes.

"What are your names?" I ask them.

"I'm Octavia, this is Venia, and that's Flavius." Says the plump woman.

"Who are you?" Says Venia.

"My name is Primrose."

"Well, we're going to make you look beautiful, Primrose!" Chirps Octavia. That was offensive.

They start by washing my hair, and then start plucking my eyebrows. I scream when they touch the first hair.

I immediately cover my mouth. "Sorry!"

"Lay back down." Flavius says in a stern voice.

I obey and lay back down. I bite my lip to keep myself from screaming again. They finish my hair and eyebrows and move on to my legs. I didn't even know I had hair on my legs.

When they finally finish, my body is stinging everywhere.

"Let's go show Cinna!" Says Venia.

"Who's Cinna?" I ask.

"Your stylist, of course!" Squeals Octavia.

We walk down the long hallways and finally stop in a room. I notice a man wearing a simple black outfit. The only makeup he has on is golden eyeliner.

"You can go now." He tells the group. They rush out the door.

"Hello." I say in a small voice.

"Are you Primrose?"

"Yes, but you can call me Prim." I smile a little.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." He says in a low voice.

I give him a big smile. He presses a button and a table comes out of the floor with our lunch, which consists of soup, chicken, and green vegetables.

"I have something very special planned for your District's parade outfit." He says.

"It's not gonna be inappropriate, right?" I ask quickly.

He laughs. "Of course not. But you can't see it until the tribute parade, which is in two hours. We should get going."

We walk down the hallways and find a room where my 'prep team', as Cinna had called them, are waiting for me.

"Let's get started!" Squeals Octavia. She squeals a lot.

They don't put much makeup on me since I'm only twelve; they only use lipgloss and some mascara. They put my hair in two braids, just like the reaping. I blink away my tears. Cinna comes in and dresses me in a black suit with a cape.

"What's this supposed to do?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." Says Cinna.

We walk to the chariots and I find Peeta wearing an identical suit, but with no cape.

"Since you guys look alike, we want you to act like brother and sister. Peeta will carry you on his shoulders, and your cape will be on fire." Explains Haymitch.

My eyes widen. "What?!" I look at Cinna.

"It's only authentic fire, so it's not real." He says.

"Okay." I calm down a little, but I'm still freaked out by the fact that I'm going to have to wear a cape that's on fire. It's almost time to start the parade, so Peeta lifts me onto his shoulders.

"Your so light!" He laughs.

I laugh back. "Well, I am from 12."

Suddenly, the District One chariot rolls out and Cinna lights my cape. "Wave to the crowd and give them air kisses. Show them that you're a sweet and innocent little girl to get more sponsors." He whispers.

"Thank you." I whisper back. He gives me an encouraging smile.

Soon, it's our turn, and we roll out into the crowd.


Hope you liked this chapter! Idk when I'll do the next chapter, but I won't keep you waiting! Don't forget to vote and comment advice!

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