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The party was going great. Everyone was drinking, dancing, talking, and eating. At this moment I am standing in the large dining room talking to other people from school. More and more people have been flooding through the front doors since the paintball fight. But I know that this is only the beginning. It's only about 8:00 and the house is almost full. Last year almost the whole backyard and parking fields were full of people partying and dancing. I heard that this year there are going to be fireworks. Right now it's Jordan, Clare, Fenton, Parker, Wilson, and I are standing around talking.

"I just can not wait for hot, smoking college girls to just starts pouring in with tiny dresses and thongs," Parker says looking around at the sea of people. Collage people usually start pouring in at about 10.

"Could any more crude" Clare says rolling her eyes. Do you ever get that feeling that someone is just burning holes through you with your eyes, yeah well that's how i feel right about now. I turn around and see Marcie staring at me, but she's also looking up and down at Jordan. Making it really obvious. I let in a deep sigh. I turn to Jordan, neon paint still is splattered all over his clothes and on his face. His dark brown hair sticking up in a messy way, which makes him look amazing. I look back at Marice. Who now has a guy attached to her neck, but she is still eyeing Jordan. A burning sensation hits me in the chest. I skoot closer towards Jordan. I take his muscular arms and wrap them around my waist, Jordan making no objections, He lays his head on my shoulder, and i smile.

"So what bands are going to be playing," Fenton says to Wilson. Fenton has always been obsessed with music. It's kinda his thing. Fenton has dark blonde hair, and brown eyes. His dad and my dad are pretty good friends since they both bet on horses. Fenton, Jordan, Wilson, and Parker have been friends since forever.

"That's a surprise," Wilson says nodding his beer at Fenton.

"Can you atleast tell us what type of music it's going to be?" Claire says taking another sip of her drink. Shes trying to be more apart of the conversation since she's pretty much in love with Fenton, and i'm pretty positive that Fenton is in love with her as well. They're just both super oblivious, god they just need to jump each others bones already. Just as they all start talking about music, we hear a thunder of people dash to the backyard from the outside. People in the living room, dining room, and anywhere else in the house dash to the backdoor to go outside. This catches Wilsons and Parker's attention.

"That's our cue" Parker and Wilson say in unison. Clare gives me a mischievous look. Fenton moves to stand next to us.

"Wanna go downstairs before we go outside" Clare shoots me a small wink. I give her a smile knowing that wink was not for me. Everyone knows that the basement is a smokebox.

"I wanna come," Fenton says staring right at Clare. I feel my back vibrate from Jordan's chest rising from laughter.

"Okay let's go you love birds," Jordans says with sarcasm. Jordan takes my hand and moves past Clare -whose face is red at a tomato-. He walks past Fenton patting him on the back. Jordan drags me to the back of the house and to the stairs that lead to the basement. Most basement stairs are narrow and very cramped, but these stairs were nice large steps for about two or three people to walk down at the same time.

The lights in the basement are dim and are very foggy from all the smoke. The walls are lined with bookcases with record albums and bongs. The other side of the room has a large black leather couch and as of this moment, there are only three people sitting on the couch.

"Taylor!" Poptart says from getting off the couch. Before you say anything yes her name is Poptart, only because her hair is dark blue with pink ends and roots. Her eyes are brown and she looks like she just got out of the book The Outsiders with her leather jacket and her hair all greasy and up in a bun. She drives a motorcycle and reminds me a lot of Avril Lavigne. Let's just say she's the kinda girl who is really not scared to deck you in the face if she's pissed at you. Poptart walks up to be and wraps her arms around my shoulders when she pulls away she blows a puff of smoke in my face. When I inhale I can tell it's really strong weed.

"Hey Poptart," I say giving her a smile. She bare hugs Clare and the rest of them while I notice the two other people on the couch eating other's faces.

"Here to get high first?" She asks looking at Fenton and Clare.

"Of course babe," Clare says walking towards the couch totally ignoring the people on the couch. Fenton follows her and sits next to her. I sit next to Fenton and Jordan sits next to me. Poptart hands Clare a small pipe thing. Clare lights it, she puts her lips at the end of the pipe and inhales. She gives the pipe to Fenton and she repeats this process. The both blow out a huge cloud of smoke. I smile at the scent. I take the pipe and put more weed inside the pipe. I light the weed and inhale letting the stinging fresh sensation hit the back of my throat. I blow out a large cloud of smoke and smile.

"I don't think you understand how hot that is," Jordan says staring at me in awe. A light blush hits my cheeks. I hand him the pipe and he takes a puff. He blows the smoke in my face and I inhale it and do the same. Jordan laughs making me laugh.

"Okay I think we are ready," Fenton says standing up from the couch.

"See you guys later," Poptart says taking a hit from a bong.

"Byeeeee Poptart" Clare said sound excited. Clearly, the weed hit her fast. Once we get upstairsIfeel me very self-conscious about m surroundings. Everything gets brighter and I feel way happier. Fucking yes!

We make our way to the backyard. We already here booming hard rock playing making the house vibrate. Once we are outside we look out to the crowd.

"Holy fuck", I say widening my eyes.

"This is the biggest it has ever gotten", Fenton says with daze. I look over at Jordan who has a huge smile on his face. I grade his hand and walk towards the dancing crowd. The place is packed with people. You would think this is Coachella it's just that big. There are cars parked everywhere. With people in them sitting, talking, and drinking. At the looks of if there are a lot of grownups here too. We get to the crowd we start dancing. Jordan put his hands on my waist and we just sway with ease.

"I love you, Taylor," Jordan says bringing me close and plants a kiss on my lips.

"I love you too Jordan".

(A/N) Short chapter posting again today -Mia

A Tear for Taylor MayfairWhere stories live. Discover now