Bonus Chapter

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(A/N) This chapter is about what happened between Clare and Fenton after the Clarkson party. Hope you enjoy -Mia

Clare pov:

The music was loud, like super loud. I saw Taylor and Jordan walk away from the party, before she left she told me something about going to Jordan's car to sleep. I think. Right now I am dancing to the song Despacito by Luis Fonsi. I love this song especially when Justin Bieber starts to speak in Spanish. I start to dance my heart out. I dance like nobody's watching. Moving my hips to the beat. I look over and see Fenton standing next to me. He's dancing really close which makes me blush.

I have liked Fenton for a long time. I'm pretty sure that he likes me too. I'm not blind like those girls in books. I just don't like asking guys out myself, I don't know why. It's not a pride thing it's just maybe I'm just scared of doing it myself. The small doubt in my mind that he will say yes. The thought that says 'he's gonna say no' or 'it's not the right time'. I hate those thoughts. Why can't he just freakin ask me out already? I get snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Fenton's hands on my waist. I smile to myself and turn around in his hands. I face Fenton, we are super close like our noses are pretty much touching. I wrap one arm around his neck and start to dance, or more like the grind. It's very dirty dancing. Neither of us are complaining. I look around at all the people dancing. Sweaty bodies raving at the music.

The song has changed to Side to Side. Fenton's hands glue to my hips as I start to sway. I make eye contact with him and see his eyes are stuck to mine. The way he's looking at me makes me want to throw myself at him and just kiss him with all my might. But instead, cause I'm a scared little wimp, I stand there and keep looking at him. This feels like it's been happening for three seconds when in reality its was three minutes.

The song changes again. 21 guns by Green Day start to play soft and slow. I start to pull away from Fenton but he won't let me. His hands wrap around my waist tighter. With his hand and reaches out for mine. I take my other hand and set it on his shoulder. We interlace our fingers together. He leans in closer to me, mlaking my heart pound against my chest. His forehead rest against mine. He closes his eyes but I can't find the strength in me to do the same. No dough in my mind that he can feel my heart pounding.

"Relax, and just enjoy it," Fenton's voice is calm and collective. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This is a perfect moment. Playing my favorite band, dancing with my favorite guy. A tear falls from my eye from how happy I am. I don't think I have ever been this happy in my life. I may sound dramatic but I haven't had that many happy moments in my life. When they come, it's just that much more amazing.

"One, 21 guns lay down arms give up the fight. One, 21 guns throw up your arms into the sky, you and I." The words from the song beat through me. I want this moment to last forever. The warmth of his skin feels like a fireplace on Christmas. He makes me feel safe. Like I don't have to compete with someone on what my outfit looks like. What new season fashions I don't have and someone else does. I don't need to compete for my mother's attention against the world. With him all that goes away, he makes me feel the special that I never was. The special every person should feel. More tears fall from my eyes.

But then...

The song ends.

All those feelings come back as if nothing had ever happened. I go back to being the snarky, sarcastic, fashion crazy horse rider I am. And he goes back to being the dorky, jock, prankster, heartthrob that he is. I pull away from Fenton and look at him in the eyes. His gorgeous light blue eyes. He pulls me back towards him and cups my face in his hand wiping away the tears. I let out an awkward laugh.

"Can I take you home?" He asks me. There is a hint of sympathy in his voice. I hate it when people feel sympathy for me. Makes me feel like charity. I let him get away with it. I don't wanna go home. I look at my phone and see it 2:30 in the morning. No text messages from my mom. Now I really don't want to go home.

"Do you think I can stay the night at your place?" I ask him. I almost regret my decision but he nods quickly. I mentally hope is parents aren't home. I don't want to be alone. Well, to be honest, I want to be with Fenton. He takes my hand in his and interlaces our fingers as if it's totally normal. A slight blush tints my cheeks. Another song starts to play and everyone starts to rush to the opposite side we are walking from. We keep walking and eventually get into the house.

I didn't realize how many people were actually here till I was standing on the porch. Let's say all of America is in the back of the Clarkson House. Damn, I wouldn't want to be there when they explain this to mommy and daddy. I mentally laugh at myself. The house is somewhat packed with people. Mostly just chilling around talking. We make it outside and see the sea of cars. Fenton takes out his keys from his pocket.

Thank God Fenton's car is up front. We walk fast towards the car. I get into the passenger seat of Fenton's truck while he gets in the driver seat. I put on my seatbelt. Fenton turns on the car and drives out of the parking lot. He drives down the long dirt road. The sky is very dark blue almost black. There are a couple stars dotting the sky. The moon is somewhat clear.Getting ready to go down for the end of the night.

Fenton makes a move by squeezing his hand over my thigh. I prop my leg up towards him. Still blushing. Fenton really has an effect on me. I close my eyes and is met my nothing but darkness. Nice peaceful sleep.


"Clare, wake up." I feel someone's hands cupping my head. I flutter my eyes open and see the face of an angel. Okay no, I'm not dead. It's Fenton and his beautiful face. He smiles at me showing his perfect white teeth.

"What?" I asked confused on where I am. Then it comes back to me. We are at Fenton's house.

I look up and see his nice two story house. There is a car in the driveway and a couple plant pots on the porch. I can't see that much since I'm half asleep and it's dark outside.

"Let's get you to bed," Fenton's voice is soft and dreamy. He pulls on my hands and I move with him. He wraps an arm around my waist balancing me. We walk up the porch into his house. I start to doze off and the next thing I know is that I'm standing in Fenton's room. There are football posters all over his walls. Racing trophies and medals on bookshelves and on the blue walls. Fenton hands me a plain white shirt and plaid flannel shorts. "I have a bathroom over there,"

I walk over to his bathroom and all I can think about is that I'm in Fenton's room. I freaking out. I walk out of the bathroom and see Fenton sitting on his bed. He notices my presence. He walks over and takes my clothes. He sets them in the chair next to his window. I stand there awkwardly. Fenton walks back over and gestures me towards the bed. I lay down on his really comfortable matters and pull the covers over me.

I feel an indent in the matters next to me. I turn around and see that Fenton has laid down next to me. He is staring at me the same way he did at the party. I want to get closer to him. I know he's thinking the same thing. He scooches closer to me. I do the same without even thinking about it. We meet in the middle, still looking at each other in the eyes. He moves one hand under my head and the other over my waist bringing me into his chest. I nuzzle my face into his rock hard chest. I feel safe again. Before I fall asleep I feel Fenton kiss my forehead.

"I love you," his voice is lower than a whisper.

Then without a reaction.

I fall asleep.

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