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"Okay well that's embarrassing," Clare says as she pulls out of my house. "He walked in on you guys groping each other?" I roll my eyes trying to hide my blush. After Gramps came in we just dropped the whole subject. Which I mean thank god because I don't want to go through that conversation again.

"Enough about me, let's talk about why you left the party with Fenton," I give her a small smirk. She's quiet. I look at her and see that her cheeks are red. "What the hell did you guys do?" She's never really like this before. She doesn't have feelings for guys, she thinks that they are a waste of time.

"W-we talked" she studders with embarrassment. "A lot" she emphasizes. I can't tell if she's happy about this or if she really doesn't care. She's blushing pretty intensely so I'm guessing that she like him. Right?

"So, what did you guys talked about?" I asked needing more information. To be honest I really want them to get together. Fenton has had a huge crush on her forever and I wouldn't deny Clare's feelings for him.

"Let's talk about this later, we are almost to the stables". I look out of the window and see the stables in the distance. I scoff at her and focus on the outside, trying not to think about Clare and Fenton. Clare pulls into the stables and parks not too far away from the doors. She turns off the engine and we both get out of the car. I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder, then my duffle bag. I walk over to Clare and see she's waiting for me so we walk. "Do you think that I'm ready?"

"I think you're more that ready, all you need to do is prep," I give her reassurance. She is usually pretty confident in everything she does, but horseback riding is her weakness. Her mom used to do it when she was younger so Clare has a lot to live up to. We walk into the stables and see that the whole place is buzzing with people. I'm not surprised at all since competitions are literally next week. I look around but I don't see Jordan or Fenton. Jordan told me that Fenton would be coming because he mentioned Clare. Can't wait to see how her reaction.

"Hey", Clare coos at her house Lancelot. She named him Lancelot because when she was young she was obsessed with the whole knights of the round table or deal. I think she still is but she doesn't want to admit it. "Are you ready for practise today". Lancelot huffs and turns his head to the basket of apples next to the big brown stall he's in. "Later". Clare takes her duffle bag off the floor and heads towards the locker rooms. I follow her down the hall of stalls. Horses are naying at the sight of so many people. There are pieces of hay all over the floor, and the smell in the air in comforting and familiar.

Clare opens the door to the girls locker room and holds it open for me. There are only two other girls in the locker room. And of course, it's Quin and Lara. They are our greatest competition. Quinn is the trainer just like me. Lara is a rider. Her mom use to do it in the pros. Which means she kinda has a leg up. Quinn has bright blond hair with lowlights. She's always wearing something really expensive to practise, which does not make any sense because she always ruins it. Lara also has bright blond hair and it's always in a perfect messy bun, her outfit is always all black and depressing. I understand wearing black but out here you're going to get a heat stroke, which she had a couple times might I add. We all give each other crude stares as me and Clare walk into a separate room. We walk into the room and I close the door behind me a little bit louder than I planned. I look at Clare who is giving me a look.

"What?" I ask trying to remember what I did. She's giving me her mad look. She really isn't happy. I realize that the look is meant for Quinn and Lara.

"I hate them" Clare snaps. Her ears are turning red and her grip on her duffle bag tightens. I walk over and put my hands on her shoulders. We don't hate Quin and Lara because they are our competition. Most of our competition we are pretty good friends with. Quin and Lara have done some unforgivable things. Quin is Fentons ex girlfriend and the only reason she dated him was to get to Clare. Lara tried to get my dad fired so that her dad would take over the stables. I wanted to rip every little fake piece of her hair out for the fun of it.

A Tear for Taylor MayfairWhere stories live. Discover now