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I jerk my eyes open quickly but only to close them again when the bright sun is beating on my face. I shade my eyes and look up at the clear blue sky. Then I feel someone under me. I start to get scared. Who the hell is this and where am I. Okay my anxiety is back. I get really bad anxiety that I need to take these types of pills sometimes to calm me down. I'm hyperventilating. I try and remember what happened last night but it's black.

Oh my god.

What if I was drugged and raped by some frat guy. I'm sweating. The person under me moved and I can only think that it's the frat guy who raped me. I squirmed trying to get out of his grasp. I'm having an anxiety attack

"Hey it okay it was just me" Jordan's soft voice plays into my ear. He rubs my arms and calms me down. I feel better now knowing he's got me. Jordan's pretty much one of the only people that can calm me down from having an anxiety attack. Besides my mom but that pretty much useless now.

"Where the hell are we," I ask him super confused. I look around and see a ton of cars in this huge field and people sleeping in the back of tailgates and such. My breathe claims little more. I look into his dark green eyes. I remember me and his mother would have an argument that his eyes are either green or blue. But really the outline of his eyes is blue and middle is green and the part by the pupil is yellow. Kinda like a cat eye. They are the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen

"We are still at Wilson's and Parker's. It's morning now and pretty much everyone fell asleep in their cars. We are in the back of my truck right now" He rubs my hair soothingly, calming me down. I look around and see that we are in the back of Jordan's silver Chevy. I love this truck. He let me drive it once.

"I don't remember last night", I sit up holding only to regret it. I hold my head in a migraine that is beating in my head. "I've got a migraine," I say shielding my eyes and holding my head. I lay back down on his chest and groan.

"And my pain will range from up down and sideways, thank god it's Friday, cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays cause Sundays are my suicide day" Jordan hums as he sits up and leans back against the car. I let out a laugh, which makes my head hurt more. "Here," Jordans says holding out a pair of sunglasses. I take them out of his hand and slap them on my face. Everything is much much better. "Come on I'll take you home"

"Wait, what about Clare," I ask as we get out of his truck. My head still pounding but I don't say anything because I know he will quote twenty-one pilots again. Which I'm not complaining.

"She went home with Fenton" Jordan laughs. I widen my eyes. Fucking finally. I walk to the passenger seat and open the door. I sit down in the seat and buckle my seat belt. I look over at Jordan and see that he's already turning on the car.

"Wait, I'm not supposed to be home till 12, and right now it's". I look at my phone which I'm really happy that is still there. "It's only 7:30", I look over at Jordan who has a stupid smile on his face. Which I admit suits him really well.

"We can go to my house, gramps won't be home till tonight, he went to go visit his sister" Jordan pulls out of the sea of cars. He gives me a mischievous smirk. I really hope we can have sex this time. It used to be that I was really hesitant about doing it, and I wanted the perfect moment, but then months and years went passed and it turned into just wanting to get it over with. The lust is taking over us. Yes, I want it to be special but we came so close so many times that it feels like we do it all of the time.

"Okay but first can we stop somewhere, I need a green tea for my headache", Jordan nods. I start to think back to last night and all the memories start to flood back in. The amazing music, the relentless dancing, the wondering eyes *coff coff, Jordan coff coff*, the deep kisses from my best friend. Has got to be the best night of my life. Don't get be started on how high we all got. Before I know it we are entering the town.

A Tear for Taylor MayfairWhere stories live. Discover now