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*Jordan POV*

I was about nine. I was surprised when i noticed that my grandfather picked me up from school. I remember how powerful the tense energy was when i climbed into his big yellow truck. I remember saying hey and asking where my parents are at. I didn't think much of it. Maybe they went to a movie. They went out on dates all the time. My parents love was something that I admired. I held close to me.

My grandpa continued to not say anything the whole car ride. He look nervous. Like he was about to leave the country and had to tell me or something. I realized that we are driving in the opposite way of his house. I asked where were we going.

"To the hospital," his voice was groggy and stern. Like he was holding it in. My heart dropped as soon as he said those words. I asked why holding back tears.

"Your parents got in a car crash, it's pretty bad Jordan." Those words have imprinted in my head for the rest of my life. Those were the words that started the next chapter in my life. It wasn't a happy beginning.

Fast forward to freshmen year. My parents death had become a thing of the past. I had let go but I will forever miss them. I remember walking into the last period biology class. I looked at the partner sheet and my partner's name was Taylor Mayfair. My first thought was 'great some hippie chick'.

I turn around and see her. Sitting in her seat. She was reading Catcher and Rye. Her hair was longer but in a loose braid sitting on her shoulder. Her arms filled with bracelets and a blue tie dye shirt was on her shoulders. I must have looked like an idiot just standing there gawking at her. The first thing she said to me was 'do i have something in my hair?' I laughed and said no and that I liked her hair.

Yes I was flirting with her. But so would anyone in the right mind when they looked at this girl. I instantly wanted to know her better. On the last day of fall break, she told me to meet her at the library. So that is what I did. At this point we became best friends. I had the biggest crush on her but was too scared to ask her out.

I got to the library and saw her looking for a book in the nonfiction section. She saw me and smiled sending shivers down my spine. I swear that she got more beautiful every time I saw her. We sat down in the bean bag chairs and she continued to tell me about the characters in a book. The whole time I stared at her.

I remember not being able to help myself and out of the blue I just asked her out. Her bright green eyes shot to me. Her cheeks turned a bright red. A smile spread across her face. Than she said the most amazing words. 'I thought you would never ask. Yes of course.' She got up off the bean bags and reached for my hand. I grabbed it and stood up. I pulled her into a hug that took her by surprise.

After that day she was there for me for everything. We were inseparable. After our one year anniversary my grandmother died. Taylor was the one to help me through that. She stayed with me every night to hold me when I was hurting. I did the same when her mom would do something stupid. I held her until she didnt hurt. I watched as the love of my live grew into a confident bright person and I love to think that I helped a lot with that.

But right now. Sitting in this cheap wood chair in a hospital. I have never felt pain like this. To lose the person you love it like someone took out the thing that you lived for and murdered it. Not this is exactly it. I can't even close my eyes without seeing her sitting in that biology room reading that stupid fucking book.

It's not a stupid book. I'm focusing on the white tile floor cause if i look at anything else the memories will flush back. I would kill to kiss her right now. I would walk through fire to watch her smile. Cheesy? Maybe but i'm allowed to be right now.

Just keep thinking that she still alive and that she will make it.

She is still alive.

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