Chapter 6: Something that is Red

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A/N: Dedicated to the first person to add my story as one of their "Favorites." Thanks goldielou!

Chapter 6:

The door opened sometime later with a screeching sound that was too loud to ignore.

“Juniper?” a familiar voice asked across the room. It was a soft, deep voice which was full of concern.


 I didn’t acknowledge him. I didn’t want him to try to comfort me. If he tried to comfort me I would end up crying again and I was determined not to, not again. I was too tired to cry any more tears.

“Come on dear, we need to look at your collar bone.” He informed me softly but the only word that I clued into was “we.”

Who was “we”?

 I turned my head and looked at him and then to the person beside him. It was a woman with wild hair red hair and large black eyes. Her frame was smaller than Kyrie but she had a definite look to her that made me swallow hard and tear up. She looked harder, more like an animal.

She was a werewolf.

“Go away.” I mumbled, looking away from his again. He sighed.

“Juniper if we don’t get it treated, it won’t heal right. Do you want a crooked collar bone?” He asked.

 I didn’t move.

“It doesn’t matter.” I whispered.

Kyrie sat down on the side of the cot beside me quietly, gently placing his hand on my upper arm, avoiding my mangled shoulder.

“Juniper this is my mate Ile. Sean told her to come down to look at your collar bone. She’s one of the pack doctors. If you want she can tell you about the mating bond as well…from the “were” perspective at least.” He informed me with a gentle tone, a disgustingly understanding tone.

 I turned my face into the mesh of the cot.

“I don’t want to talk to her.” I growled, feeling anger stab behind my eyes like knives.

“You don’t have to talk to me, you just have to listen.” A female voice responded and I practically snarled at it.

“You’re all monsters.” I whispered. “I hate you and I hope you burn in hell.”

It was silent for a moment before the monster spoke again.

“I know you do.” She acknowledged. “And you think that especially about your mate don’t you?” she asked.

My eyes flashed into hers and I found my lips drawing back in a hiss.

“He’s a sick Bastard.” I spat but my harsh response only prompted her to smile at me quietly, showing off the points of her canines.

“You think that he is crazy and you are right, he kind of is at the moment.” she admitted with a shrug.

A shrug?

 I couldn’t believe that she just shrugged while she said that. To me is was like saying “I don’t think Hitler liked Jewish people,” and then shrugging.

“He is going through a stage that we werewolves call the Manic stage, which occurs directly after we claim our mate. It’s different for all of us.” She continued with a shy glance at Kyrie. “For example after I first claimed Kyrie I wanted to be in contact with him continuously and when he would try to pull away from me I would cry like a toddler.”

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