Chapter 12: The Most Amazing Person Ever

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A/N: So before I upload any more I would like some constructive feedback. What do you think about the characters? Who is your favorite character? Least favorite? Do you think that Juniper did the right thing? What would you have done in her shoes? I just want to see if the characters I have built in my head have made it onto the paper. Thanks for reading!


Chapter 12:

I woke up feeling extremely warm. It was too warm, as if I were being smothered like a pig in a blanket. I tried to push the hot blanket off of me but the more that I struggled the tighter it seemed to become. Through silted eyes I could tell that it was getting light in the room and I needed to go to work. I tried to sit up, only to get dragged back into the bed that was much more comfortable than I remember it being. I opened my eyes finally and blinked a couple of times to get my bearings.

So not my bedroom.

I looked down at the sheets.

So not my bed.

I looked down at the arm that was circled around my waist.

And that definitely wasn’t mine either. Shit.

“Go back to sleep. It’s the weekend.” A voice mumbled into my neck, sounding exhausted. I sighed actually feeling numb to what I was sure was going to become a normal torture until I somehow found a way out of here.

“I can’t sleep. It’s too hot for all this cuddling shit.”

Wow I don’t have a filter in the morning. I tensed for him to go all crazy on me but he didn’t. He just chuckled a little bit in his throat and loosened his grip on me enough to where his chest was no longer pressed into my back and only his hand remained on my hip.

“Now go back to sleep. Thou shalt not see the sun rise on weekends.” He groaned.

Not a morning werewolf?

“I can’t sleep. I want to get up.” I mumbled, beginning to move out from underneath his hand. He growled a little bit.

“But I don’t wanta.” He groaned.

“Then don’t.” I rejoined, getting out of the bed and away from him. He growled lowly, raising his lips over his enlarge canines as he looked at me through lidded eyes.

“Don’t tell me you’re a morning person.” He stated half snarling the words.

“I won’t then.” I muttered. The monster grumbled some more and shoved his face down into the pillows. I didn’t wait for him to say anything else before I darted across the room and out the door into the hall.

I was confused by what just happened.

I woke up beside a monster. Somehow didn’t have a complete spaz attach and had a domestic conversation with him in which he sounded more like a grumpy old man than a huge, hairy, shit house scary genetic mutant monster.

It was unsettling to me. The monster was acting way to damn human. I knew better though. I knew that the beast was lurking under the sheep’s clothing and if I made one false move I would see him much sooner than I ever would want. Shaking my head, I stepped away from the door and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. My mouth tasted fowl from vomiting last night and my throat was sore. I walked over to the sink and turned on the cold water, not bothering to get a glass as I just stuck my lips against the stream and took a deep drink. Unlike the slightly metallic taste of the well water in my house in the lower district the water coming out of this tap tasted…well like water. Really clean and refreshing water. I leaned back from the sink and shut off the faucet and frowned at it. I had lived without running water and put calluses on my hands carrying water to the house from the well for two years and I would rather go back to doing it for another twenty if it meant that I didn’t have to continue living in this hellish nightmare of a situation.

Things that Go Bump in the NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora