Part 7: City Life

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I love living in the city. I don't think I could ever survive in the countryside. I was especially grateful to be living in New Croix, currently the biggest city in our country. My favorite part about New Croix was that it was right next to the ocean, so that you could walk anywhere to any store, but still escape to fresh air and a sandy beach if you wanted to. Since everything was so close to each other, my friends and I often met after school before going home.

    Today after school, I went to a cafe called Maple Cafe to meet with Jordan, Elizabeth and Mackenzie. It was our favorite meeting spot, because it was only down the street from our school. We sat at a table and ate sandwiches as I filled my friends in on the weird Mr. Matthews incident. Jordan was laughing her ass off.

    "HAHAHAHahahahaha! Nora! You can't be serious!" she laughed. I was beginning to regret saying anything at all.

    "You can forget about it. I told you it was weird." I said.

    "Jordan. Get your shit together." said Elizabeth.

    "Sorry. That's just too crazy!" Jordan said still chuckling. "Our history teacher is suddenly getting super familiar with Nora? He's even allowing her to call him by his first name? And you're saying you're even dreaming about him? That's so romantic! What a story! Scandalous too!" Jordan teased as she took another handful of fries. "The handsome teacher falls in love with the legendary 'girl with no powers.' It was fate that brought them together." Jordan said dreamily.

    "Shut up, Jordan! It's nothing like that!" I said shaking.

    "Geez, Jordan. It's probably some big misunderstanding." said Mackenzie.

    "Oops. Sorry guys. I have to go." said Elizabeth looking at her watch.

    "You have flying lessons today too? Wow you're really serious about this whole pilot thing, huh?" asked Jordan.

    "Yeah, see you guys!" Elizabeth said before leaving the table, walking out the door, and taking off. I always found it funny when I saw Elizabeth fly though I didn't know why. I wondered if her mother had married a man without the flying ability, what power Elizabeth would have been born with instead.

    "I have to go too actually." said Mackenzie.

    Mackenzie May had long curly dark hair and big brown eyes. She was thick and muscular, but one of the sweetest women I had ever met. Like Elizabeth, she was always busy. Mackenzie lived alone, so she worked two jobs after school in order to keep her apartment.

    "Alright. Hey, Nora, you want to check out the shops before we go?" asked Jordan.

    "Sure. Lets go!" I said.

    We walked down the street towards the local shops. We weren't planning on spending any money, but we loved looking at the things that our city had to offer.

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