Part 95: Redo

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I lay beside Nora on the scorched ground. We had failed yet again to beat the Devil.

"Are you alright?" I asked looking to her. She smiled and nodded. We couldn't save the world, but if Nora was fine then it no longer mattered to me. "Then I guess this is it." I said. "Now that the world is over maybe we can take Alice on her offer. We could become nobleman of hell and rule this world instead. I could be a prince and you can be my princess. Let's tear this world apart side by side." I said to Nora. "As long as we're together," I said taking her hand. "It doesn't matter what kind of world we live in. I'll be happy." I said. "I just want to be by your side."

Nora sat up.

"No." she said. "That's not what I want." she said. My heart sank. "I do want to be with you." she said. My heart lifted a little bit. "But, I want to save the world as well." she explained.

"But this world is already..." I began. She stopped me.

"You have the power to travel through time." she said. She fell into my arms and coughed up blood. Her body was badly wounded.

"So? We can still stay here! We could be safe! Who cares about the rest of the world?" I asked desperately.

"I do." she said. I cradled her in my arms as she continued to bleed. If I joined forces with Alice right then, I could save Nora and live a happy life. But I knew that was not what Nora wanted. She was kinder than I was. She cared about everyone. All I cared about was us. "Ian, please go back and change the past. You can save this world from Alice, can't you?" she started panting. "Please...I'" she huffed. She finally caught her breath, but I could tell she wasn't long for this world. "If you save this world, then we can be together. You can stop Alice. You can make sure she doesn't lie to us again." Nora begged me. I looked into her eyes and I knew what I had to say.

"I will. I promise." I said. "No matter what it takes, I will save this world! And you!"

"Thank you, Ian. I've always brave you were." she said. My heart throbbed. "There's something I have to say." she said. I could see it in her eyes.

"Nora. It's fine." I said. I didn't want her to waste her breath but she pushed on.

"Ian, I love you." she said. Tears fell from my eyes as I kissed her bleeding lips.

"I'm so glad you finally said that." I said while I embraced her. "I love you too." After she died that time, I made a vow. I wouldn't rely on anyone else anymore. I would live completely independent and only with the sole purpose of rescuing the ones I loved.

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