Part 96: Through the Years

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I have relived the same years countless times. There came a point when I had been traveling for so long, that I looked into the mirror, and realized I could no longer pose as a high school student. I applied as a teacher with a fake resume, and with luck, Nora was in my homeroom class. I had been fighting the same battle for at least a decade, but now it was even harder. I could no longer go up to her, befriend her like I did in the previous times. This time, I had to act professional. It was torture. Still, I swore that no matter how many times it took, no matter how old I got, I would change our fate for us, and change the fate of the world for Nora. This time, I would refuse to let Nora make a contract with Alice in the first place. I'd fight the Devil all by myself if I had to. Time after time, I watched Nora die. I watched the world die. Sometimes it felt like I was dying. I searched through every possible outcome. I planned to do this until I had the ending that I wanted.

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